Stefan replies "No". Young Stefan witnessed as his father burned Damon's hand with a lit cigar as both a punishment for lying and stealing. She kisses him, testing if he has any feelings for her, and is disappointed, asking him if he would ever love someone like his previous girlfriend (Elena). Caroline and Klaus keep picking on each other and Caroline asks why is Klaus even needed there to which Stefan responds that if they have to face Silas the original hybrid who can't die might definitely come in handy. After that they both go inside where Elena is standing with a lightened match, ready to burn down the house. Damon is still dealing with Vaughn when Rebekah finds them. When Wes is about to inject a substance into Elena, Elena hears Stefan's voice and stops him, Stefan arrives and frees to Elena pulling her out of the lab. Stefan seems excited by her invitation and when he goes to pick Elena up they exchange compliments. He absorbs information very easily and is able to memorize events and dates at the top of his head as seen in. Stefan had a horse during his human years named Mezzanotte, which means "midnight" in Italian. Stefan seems very comforted and relieved to be with Elena in that moment. Before they leave, Stefan watches Elena do a keg-stand, to the cheers of the party-goers, as a last-ditch effort at irritating Rebekah. In Catch Me If You Can, Rebekah comes to the Salvatore boarding house talking to Stefan while reading his diary and they decide to steal Silas' headstone, because the others are way ahead of them in search of the cure; Klaus has Jeremy (a hunter) and Shane has Bonnie. Caroline flips the tables and stabs his instead. She writes a note to her daughter Nadia. Finally, Elena rushes in and ends it by compelling the man to go home and forget everything. Damon tells him the truth about Bonnie's sacrifice but asks him to lie to others so that they don't have to go through the pain of losing her again. Damon thinks Connor was supernatural for several reasons, including that fact that Klaus mentioned something about Connor being connected with the Five. While the boys talk Caroline finds a book about the symbolic figures of the dark arts and they understand from it that Bonnie is trying to complete the expression triangle by killing twelve witches. Rebekah resists, so Stefan asks Rebekah to forget about helping Klaus and to just help him instead. The Dinner Party (The Vampire Diaries) - Wikipedia Stefan tells Damon and everyone else that they have lost so much, and suffered so long, without allowing themselves to grieve and heal. Nora and Mary Louise appear, along with Lily and Beau. Stefan accepts and drinks the number of blood bags Klaus gives him. He owes Elena her shot at being normal again but once they give her the cure he's getting out of her life and he's getting a life of his own. Elena was healed of a cerebral hemorrhage by Meredith with Damon's blood and died of drowning. Then, they are tied to chairs by people compelled by Enzo, who has threatened Liv with killing her brother. After that he managed to avoid her for years until she came back home to wish Stefan happy birthday and then all of the guilt and emotions came back rushing through him so that's why he killed her. At the Gilbert house, Stefan opens the front door to find Elena talking to Damon on the porch. Stefan smirked as he pulled you into his arms. And he responds that she should be scared because he knows how deep down she can fall and how difficult it is to climb back out. The hybrid minion then removes Jeremy's Gilbert ring and tosses it over to Klaus, who reasserts that Jeremy will help, tacitly threatening him should he still refuse. Damon insists that losing control and killing people is inevitable for a vampire, and the sooner Elena accepts that, the better. On occasion, Stefan will sometimes wear black leather jackets and dark sunglasses, which give him a mysterious and rebellious aura. Stefan is the twin flame of Elena Gilbert, the younger brother of Damon . Then Enzo slams the door shut and stakes Stefan from behind with a pole. He is then on a stretcher by the back of an ambulance and is getting checked out by a paramedic. He now wants nothing more than to spend another day with her, and Caroline has that chance. Giuseppe then set in motion Katherine's capture, which corresponded with a town-wide vampire round-up. She puts the phone down and Stefan looks worried. He then takes her phone away from her as she's clearly not listening to him. Damon reveals the time when Charlotte killed a sailor after touching Damon's drink, having told her to 'have no mercy', he tells Stefan that was his first clue she was sired. Stefan kidnaps Mary Louise and they use her as incentive for Nora to siphon the spell from Caroline. She sees a figure, who she assumes to be Markos, and she starts trembling in fear. As Katherine asks her about her body Stefan tells her that Damon only told him that he put it somewhere where is should have been long time ago. This is news to Stefan, and Damon explains that he intends to teach Elena how to feed from humans without killing them, and that Elena needs to learn "snatch, eat, erase" now more than ever. As Stefan is leaving the house, Elena calls him and tells him her plan to kill Kol. Stefan tries to stop him but Damon just waves him with which he says that Stefan needs to stay away. In The Birthday, Stefan and Klaus are in Tennessee. As he walks away Elena stops him, implying that she wants to say something to him but then she changes her mind. In What Lies Beneath, Stefan is still trying to convince Damon to give up on finding Enzo. When a human gets ravenously hungry, they eat a double cheeseburger but they kill people and that's just who they are. Terrified, she sobs that Stefan has compelled her and she can't move. She lays into him for letting her be turned into a killer. It is there, where Stefan fatefully and inevitably meets Elena Gilbert. After leaving New Orleans, Stefan moved to New York and while hunting a squirrel, he found the body of a young girl who was bleeding to death. Elena bears a strong resemblance to his old and first love, Katherine, and because of this, he repeatedly tries to avoid her at all costs during the beginning of the series, feeling that her uncanny resemblance to Katherine brings up painful, sorrowful memories of his dark, mysterious past. He'd felt it, too. Later on, Damon reveals to Stefan that Klaus is dead and they both seem very sad. Stefan later has a heartfelt reunion with Damon when he escapes the Prison World he was sent to following the Other Side's destruction. Despite everything that's happened, they still care about each other deeply and are supportive of one another. They start to talk about Damon being a hero and about Elena relationship with him, she says that their relationship is toxic but Stefan is disagrees, he interrupts her train of thought, trying to reassure her. The Armory has her now. In Death and the Maiden, Stefan's having a dream about how Silas stabbed him and put him in the safe. Bonnie then begins coughing up blood and stumbles back into Stefan on the Other Side, forcing him through as well. In She's Come Undone, Stefan and Damon are at the house with Elena locked in the safe and Damon playing mind games with her for over an hour and still no emotional response from Elena, Later Stefan is Caroline and she wants to see Elena and Stefan said they are not letting anyone see her and that it was whole point of locking her isolation leads to misery and lead to emotion, Caroline says that she's been there for days and hasn't improved at all Stefan says that she doesn't want to not yet and that she's devastated she's lost her brother, she attacked her friend Bonnie and killed an innocent woman and Caroline said that Stefan knew how to help her Stefan said that he is helping her and Caroline asks him by torturing her and Stefan says its not torture but an intervention and the only chance they have with her is to provoke her to trigger something fear, anger, self-pity or anything Caroline asks Stefan to let her talk to Elena before anymore intervention and that Elena can't hurt her if she's weak and begs him to let her try, later Caroline is with Elena at the basement Stefan wishes her good luck and leaves her with Elena, Caroline says the she brought something for Elena and pulls a vial of blood and gives it to Elena so that it could help think straight and she also adds that she doesn't agree with what Stefan and Damon are doing to her making her suffer to turn her humanity back and its not who Elena is, Caroline says she's not giving up on her and Elena starts to provoke her about that she's the reason that Tyler left town and the he was running from her and not from Klaus and about how pathetic she's going to look in the cap and gown and that she's a repulsive, blood-sucking control freak monster and Elena is attacking Caroline and she breaks Elena's neck and Stefan is behind her and tells him to do what he has to do, later Stefan and Damon are in a room with Elena tied up to chair and they took her daylight ring and they plan on using sunlight to torture her and as Stefan slowly opens the curtain Elena asks if she's supposed to feel scared and Stefan said that she will be and to focus on that fear because its the key to getting her humanity back and she says that they are not gonna burn her and adds that if they get her humanity back she'll remember that they tortured her and she'll hate them for it, Damon says to work risk and Stefan opens the curtain and Elena's skin is burning and Damon extinguishes the fire and asks for any emotion so they can stop it and Elena says that she's going to kill them, Stefan says that they don't want to torture her and she can stop it and its her choice, Elena is provoking Stefan for being the one to pull back the curtain and a part of him enjoys it considering that she dumped Stefan, Damon believes that they are breaking through the tough shell and getting to the center of her humanity and asks Stefan to shed some light into the situation, Stefan is ready to reopen the curtain and Elena says its going to hurt Stefan more than it hurts her Stefan says he knows what she's going through and that she's afraid to face the guilt she feels if she turns her emotions back on and the only way to help is to make the alternative hurt even worse and Stefan opens the curtain and Elena is in pain, later Elena is still in pain from exposure to sunlight Stefan closes the curtain and Damon says she'll thank him someday and after she gets her humanity she'll know that life without emotions blew and she provokes Damon by telling him that the sire bond also blew and going everyday believing that she was in love with him and saying that he was afraid that it wasn't real and says that it wasn't, Elena says to keep torturing and she and Stefan might give their relationship another go and she exposes herself to sunlight Stefan and Damon extinguish Elena from the flames and she says that they won't hurt and she doesn't have to afraid of anything, later Stefan and Damon are at the driveway Stefan sarcastically says that it went well and Damon is frustrated that Elena is being stubborn and doesn't want to turn it back on, even though every vampire does it with out any problems Stefan says that she has nothing to come back to after she lost her home and her family and destroyed her relationships, Damon said that scaring her should have worked and that she's smart and she knows that they won't hurt her and Stefan suggests to bring someone who really will hurt her Damon asks who, Stefan suggests Katherine because she is the reason Jeremy is dead and she's the only who can provoke an emotion into Elena and Damon says that Katherine won't help them Stefan says the she was just abandoned by Elijah and that she has nothing and has no one and that she won't refuse their offer to torture Elena, later Damon and Katherine are discussing what will happen if Elena goes back to her old self when Stefan says the Elena is not in the cell and its revealed that Katherine lost interest in Elena's recovery and didn't lock her in Stefan with Damon and Matt search for her, later Stefan stops Elena for feeding on Matt and Damon has had enough and he's done playing nice and tells her to turn her humanity switch or he'll kill Matt, Elena calls his bluff and he breaks Matt's neck and Elena is crying and she's sad about what happened to Matt and later is revealed to be wearing the Gilbert ring and will come back to life and Elena gets her humanity back, Damon says that she's going to be okay and she remembers what she has done and Stefan stops her and says the he knows the stage the emotions are over-whelming her and that she has to focus on one thing Elena says she can't and tells to find the thing that makes her strong and to latch on to it and channel everything she's feeling into one emotion and to let it in, Elena does what she's told and he tells her to breathe it in and blow everything else out and she's screaming in pain and Damon asks her if she's okay, she says "no" but she'll get better. In The Rager, Damon finds Stefan working on his motorcycle in front of the house and teases him about it before informing him that Connor had abducted Tyler long enough for him to extract some werewolf venom from Tyler's mouth. In Homecoming, Stefan participates in the plan to kill Klaus, luring him to Mystic Falls by saying that Mikael is dead (in fact he was dead as Elena daggered him so Stefan could inform Klaus of this and not have Klaus' compulsion stop him from lying.) Family Members Elena says he had her but he says, "I lost you the minute I left town". She brings Elena and shows her how to get him to feel something, by torturing him. Bonnie manages to find the which Aja who has come to help her and has also brought twelve witches with her which is exactly what Bonnie needs to complete the triangle. Stefan is the narrator of the series. "why don't you get the hell out of my house. Over the course of many decades, Lexi became Stefan's mentor, best friend and companion, and she showed Stefan the 'good parts' of being a vampire; how to live compassionately and reclaim the caring, empathetic person Stefan had been as a human. In a flashback Stefan sits alone, reading the telegram. It was during that time when Stefan and Katherine were making love that Katherine revealed her true identity to Stefan and that she was a vampire. Elena then tells Stefan that even though there will be struggles, the important thing is that she will get to live and be there for everyone she loves, including him. Sheriff Forbes has given them the name of the town where the original sister and Elena have went to find Katherine. Stefan resents that Elena thought he wouldn't understand, and goes on to explain why he's angry that she fed on Damon. He scoffs when she says she fought through her grief over Bonnie all by herself. As Stefan and Damon leave and walk in the woods Stefan says "I love her, Damon," and Damon says that he does as well.
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