Radical and moderate Republicans in Congress were furious that Johnson had organized his own Reconstructionefforts in the South without their consent. Reconstruction Lesson 1 Plans for Reconstruction Clash Reconstruction Committee on Civil Rights to investigate race relations; Truman attempted to implement suggestions, but Congress did not support Truman used executive power to order the desegregation of military, Jackie Robinson breaks the color line Date: 1947 Description: Jackie Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers becoming the first African American to play baseball in the major leagues, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, KS Date: 1954 Description: overturned the separate but equal principle established by 1896 Plessey v. Ferguson case; U. S. Supreme Court decided segregated public education violated the U. S. Constitution, Kings arrest & Letter from a Jail Date: 1963 Description: King joined protesters in Birmingham and was arrested; from jail he wrote a letter explaining why civil rights activists were tired of waiting for change Birmingham, March on Washington & I Have a Dream Speech Date: 1963 Description: organized by NAACP, SCLC, & SNCC; 200, 000 demonstrators marched on capital to put pressure on Congress to pass a new civil rights bill King gave his I Have a Dream speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial, Civil Rights Act of 1964 Description: signed by Pres. -Mothers who wanted to stay home and care for their families were forced instead to do farm labor. During the years of the war, President Abraham Lincoln hoped that . Some howls are used for communication and others are. Eventually congress breaks his power by attempting to impeach him and then by taking over Reconstruction themselves. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Johnson . Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction - 1130 Words | Thesis Example 5. by WI senator Gaylord Nelson; 20 million Americans participated EPA govt agency created by Congress in 70 to clean up & protect the environment, Election of 1964 L. Johnson (D) v. Goldwater (R) did not seek reelection in 68 due to divisions over Vietnam Goldwater marks rise of the Conservative movement, 1972: Nixon visits China After Chinese communist revolution, U. S. never formally recognized Peoples Rep. of China; Nixon wanted to - benefit U. S. economically (trade) & distance relationship b/w China & Soviet Union Nixon made an official state visit to China successful at opening relations w/ China full Diplomatic relations established b/w U. S. & China in 1979 President Nixon meets with Chinas Communist Party leader, Mao Zedong, Nixon & Watergate Watergate Scandal attempted break-in of Dem. journalists and writers investigated & alerted public to wrongdoing in politics & business, raised social issues Jacob Riis Examples: Tarbell A History of the Standard Oil Trust (monopolies & trusts) Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclairs The Jungle published 1906 exposed dangerous and unsanitary conditions in Chicagos stockyards President Roosevelt read it & got Congress to pass the Meat Inspection Act provided federal agents to inspect meat sold across state lines & required federal inspection of meat-processing plants. in Detroit) and put cars on moving belts; workers added interchangeable parts; reduced manufacture time from 12 hours to 90 minutes, Radio 1920 s radios became widespread news & entertainment broadcasts began increased the speed with which people gained information increased unity national, Movies 1920 s movies became popular 1927 the first movie with sound, The Jazz Singer movies with sounds called talkies, The Harlem Renaissance is Latin for rebirth What was the Harlem Renaissance ? In June of 1866 the Joint Committee on Reconstructi See more. Over farming - farmers 3. Party headquarters (Watergate complex) connected to Nixon reelection committee tried to bug office & record conversations of political opponents Nixon resigned in 1974; Ford became President and pardoned Nixon, Affirmative Action affirmative action policy that gives special consideration to women & minorities to make up for past discrimination; 70 s - special focus on employers & schools Bakke decision: Regents of the University of California v. Bakke ( 78) Medical school reserved spots in class for minorities Bakke (white, stronger academic record) not accepted & claimed racial discrimination Supreme Court required Bakkes admission but did not overturn affirmative action, Carters Foreign Highlights Camp David Accords ( 78) - peace treaty between Egypt & Israel, Egypt recognized nation of Israel & Israel withdrew troops from Sinai Peninsula Iranian Revolution ( 79) opposition to Shah (emperor) of Iran led to the Ayatollah Khomeini seizing power, Shah fled to U. S. for cancer treatment Iran-Hostage Crisis (Nov 79 -Jan 81) Iranian radicals responded by invading U. S. embassy & taking 66 Americans hostage, held for more than a year before being released after Reagans election, Reagans Domestic Highlights Conservative Revolution Reaganomics supply-side economics adopted reduce taxes so people will work more, have more money to spend = economic growth, Reagans Foreign Highlights Iran-Contra Scandal ( 86) U. S. sold weapons to Iran in 85; in exchange, Iran promised to pressure terrorist groups in Lebanon to release Am. Using the information above as well as the textbook pgs201 203 fill in the Venn Diagram. -Freedmen convicted of vagrancy (not having a job) could be fined, whipped, or sold for a years labor. Important elements of Presidential Reconstruction included the restoration of all property to former confederates who declared allegiance to the United States and the bestowal of greater economic opportunity to the yeomanry. If the sun be risen upon him, there shall be blood shed for him; for he should make full restitution; if he have nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.Exodus 22:2-3. 2. For example, Toyota, BMW, and other foreign car companies built auto plants in the United States. expeller pressed vs refined oil. Presidential vs. Congressional Reconstruction. Each had a function and strategy. Feb. 8, 2023. -Freedmen had to sign agreements in January for a year of work. eNotes Editorial, 13 Jan. 2020, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/compare-contrast-presidential-congressional-297243. What was the name of the period following the Civil War and what was its major goals? These documents include the main points of Lincoln's, Johnson's, and the Radical Republicans' plan for bringing the South back into the Union, decisions to punish or pardon Confederate leaders, and opinions on rights for newly freed slaves. . What did Johnson have in common with a small percentage of other southerners and why did they have those beliefs? presidential reconstruction vs congressional reconstruction venn diagram. Compute the price of the bonds as of their issue date. It was simple. There was a marked difference between Congressional Reconstruction - outlined in the first, second, and third Military Reconstruction Acts - and Andrew Johnson's plan for Presidential Restoration (North Carolina's plan shown here). ( 54) Miranda v. Arizona ( 66) Miranda Rights accused criminals had to be informed of his/her Fifth (remaining silent) & Sixth Amendment rights (speed, public trial before jury) before being questioned, Johnsons Domestic Highlights Great Society focused on health care, education, environment, discrimination, & poverty Medicare (hospital insurance for people over 65) Medicaid (low-cost health insurance for poor), Date: 1968 Description: Martin Luther Kings assassination assassinated in Memphis, TN on April 4 th while on the balcony outside his motel room; James Earl Ray, a white ex-convict was charged with the murder, Robert Kennedy: Assassination Robert Kennedy (RFK): JFKs little brother politician & U. S. Attorney General civil rights activist Civil Rights Bill opposed Vietnam War 1968 Presidential Candidate Assassination shot June 5, 68 (2 mo. Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (1863) Civil Rights Act of 1866. presidential and congressional reconstruction venn diagram -10% of the voting population in 1860 had to sign a loyalty oath to the country. Verified answer. presidential and congressional reconstruction venn diagram. Johnson was a southerner but supported the union cause. b_0=2 \quad b_1=0.661 \quad b_2=0.065 \quad b_3=-0.018 God Send Us Men Ministries What is a Venn Diagram | Lucidchart With a few exceptions, Lincoln offered pardons to any Confederate who swore allegiance to the Union and the Constitution. State Power Society Economy And Urban Informality Springerlink, Comparing Reconstruction Plans Teaching Resources Tpt, Ppt Presidential Reconstruction Vs Congressional Reconstruction Powerpoint Presentation Id 746854, Lincoln Johnson And The Radical Republican S Reconstruction Plans By Elisa Seegmiller On Prezi Next, Ijgi Free Full Text Analyzing Contextual Linking Of Heterogeneous Information Models From The Domains Bim And Uim Html, Pdf Environmental Movements In Taiwan S Anthropocene A Civic Eco Nationalism, Presidential Reconstruction Teaching Resources Tpt, Radical Reconstruction Teaching Resources Teachers Pay Teachers, A Presidential Venn Diagram R Infographics, Scientific Program For 30th World Congress Of Endourology Swl Journal Of Endourology, Reconstruction Plans Presidential Congressional Write This Down Compare And Contrast The Presidential And Congressional Plans For Reconstruction Ppt Download, Hoover And Roosevelt Compare Contrast Diagram Creately, Cross Species Systems Analysis Identifies Gene Networks Differentially Altered By Sleep Loss And Depression Science Advances, Michele Brown Browml7270 Profile Pinterest, Inclusion And Political Representation In Peace Negotiations The Case Of The Colombian Victims Delegations Isa Mendes 2019. Jane Addams & settlement houses: opened Hull House, a settlement house in Chicago settlement houses community centers organized to provide social services to the urban poor examples of services provided: gave mothers child care classes, taught English, ran nursery schools and kindergartens, etc. b. June 16, 2022. semi truck accident, colorado today; . Compare the strengths and weaknesses of the Reconstruction plans of Lincoln, Johnson, and Congress. If Carter has been the best ex-president ever, I expect Trump is about to be the worst. Several congressional Republicans thought Lincoln's 10 percent plan was too lenient. Lincolns Plan for Reconstruction VENN DIAGRAM During the closing days of the war President Lincoln developed a plan to rebuild the South and restore the southern states to the Union as. The Age of Reconstruction - Google Docs.pdf - The Age of Reconstruction Ku Klux Klan Formed in Tennessee in 1866 Burned homes, schools, and churches, and beat, maimed, or killed African Americans and their white allies Dressed in white robes and hoods Goals: scare freed people from voting, Johnsons Impeachment To limit the Pres. This was supposed to protect cabinet members who were radical republicans who disagreed with johnson. presidential reconstruction vs congressional reconstruction venn diagram What is the amount of each semiannual interest payment for these bonds? If a thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that he die, there shall no blood be shed for him. but the Venn diagram is not two concentric circles. 1892 Ellis Island opened in New York Harbor as major immigration station on East coast Ellis Island 1910 Angel Island opened in San Francisco & became a major station on West coast Angel Island, The Rise of Organized Labor Union Membership Who joined? What were two major questions circulating around slavery? Radical Reconstruction even involved the continued occupation of the South by federal soldiers in order to safeguard the newly won rights of former slaves. compare and contrast: presidential and radical reconstruction venn diagram. of State George Marshalls plan to help Europe recover from war Marshall Plan economic aid for nations in Western Europe - U. S. gave money (grants & loans), food, fuel, 1947: Kennan outlines Containment Policy Kennan American diplomat & authority on Soviet Union Containment policy keep communism contained within its existing borders; became Americas policy, 1949: Peoples Republic of China proclaimed Mao Zedong led communist forces in China against Nationalist leader Chiang Kai -shek Mao defeated nationalist forces & renamed China Peoples Republic of China communist nation Truman Adm. blamed for not providing enough support Mao Zedong, 1950: Korean War begins Korea split at 38 th parallel; North was communist, South noncommunist N. Korea attacked S. Korea & took S. Koreas capital, Seoul UN Security Council voted to aid S. Korea; Truman ordered U. S. troops to S. Korea, 1953: Korean War ends stalemate until 1953 Eisenhower elected U. S. President promised to end war cease-fire signed, division at 38 th parallel restored still in effect today, 1950: Another Red Scare Mc.
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