Loose or tinned pipe tobacco orders- minimum . It still made my tongue slightly numb, but then so does a shot of Mezcal, and I don't avoid that spirit. Now as excited as I was about all the hype I jarred it as soon as I opened it and promptly rubbed some out and filled my bowl. Get Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake - 2oz Tin | Cake Tobacco Coming in bulk as it does it is a good value, and based on the oil content I bet this blend would be perfect for coloring up a nice shiny new meer. I recommend a small bowl with a longish stem for best smoke. It seemed to have dried out some, so I have tried rehydrating it. But I wouldn't smoke this on a regular basis. If you love latakia this is for you. The quality of the leaf is good, as are all C&D blends that I have had. En toda la fumada el protagonista indiscutible es la latakia. Smoking this tobacco reminds me of eating foods that have been really heavily smoked. If it were consistent from top to bottom this would be a five-star rating and my number one smoke. PK dominates the weak tasting 965 but 965 does add quite a bit of oriental and nicotine which makes the combination more interesting than the components. But there is something very special in there that gives me a level of satisfaction thats hard to find. A must try for the latakia-haulics! It says it has turkish and burley in there, but the turkish BARELY comes through, and the burley is buried. ste es un tabaco para los Latakialovers. Give it a try, Age When Smoked: 5/01/18 dated so 2-3 months, Purchased From: Boda Pipes (Greenville SC). Everyone wants to try, everyone wants to brag about how much they love it, everyone is crying inside. It was around 1999 and I had not been long into pipe smoking. So like the typical guy I started with aromatics and over the past year I've tried tons of different types of blends finding myself settling into VApers and Balkan blends. It is surprisingly smooth and easy on the palate. As I stated earlier, it has a good amount of nicotine thanks to the burley, but one should not consider this a strong blend by any means. 4 stars denotes actual repurchase or intent to do so as soon as possible. These days, however, I find a little solo note in a tobacco to be OK at times. Given the latakia content the taste is one dimensional but if that is a taste you crave then it's really not an issue. I really tried to like the taste, but not being a regular consumer of Latakia, I found that exotic leaf to be simply "over the top" in this instance. Even though I only like Latakia in very small doses, I dared to pack a small clay bowl full of Pirate Kake. A gold-hearted thug of a blend. Taste is very smooth, strong and stinky. So smooth I would describe it as creamy. It's one of my favorite ingredients in any blend. Great job C&D! to my last order tried a bit when it arrived and again it was a bit sharp but enjoyable. But, its also just fun. I like itbit heavy for those in the same room if they don't like latakia but nice when one is alone. Definitely INE for the cooler months, as I cant imagine s To start if you ever get a chance to go fishing off a old dock the tin note will take you there ! Apparently, it's recommended to try mixing this with some Haunted Bookshop, however I have not tried that yet. Otherwise a lovely tobacco and well worth a try for anyone who likes Latakia and definitely a tobacco you can use to put a bit of latakia in another DiY home blend or similar. These traits usually go a long way towards making for an excellent tobacco mixture, but Pirate Kake just doesnt quite do it for me. Get some. . Two words describe this offering from C&D, Latakia Bomb! L, , My #1 favorite that titillates my taste buds. Midday and your palate could be shot for quite awhile, perhaps until tomorrow or the day after. I ordered a one pound pressed block of this based on two things; 2. Pirate Kake has got you covered. The tobacco came apart quite easily when loading up the pipe. I found it to be an excellent blend. I've readjusted the ratings and highly recommend this blend very much. As far as the room note goes im not sure just yet. Once rubbed out and let to dry for about an hour there was no issues keeping the bowl lit. I smoked a tin then I bought a pound. Although BLB is wonderful in its own right, I have to say that this blend takes the cake. This blend always takes me to the fall season in Michigan, no matter what time of year. There are too many others which I enjoy more. ORIGINAL: Well now I know what a lat bomb is. Even then it's a very nice smoke. I realized I needed to take this sample and let it sit overnight with a damp towel over a bowl. Update 06/29/10: Been smoking this on and off for the last six plus months. Without question, the different sized chunks of tobacco, with different blends of leaf, is at the root of the many different sub-flavors that manifest during the bowl. I love latakia but this is not a daily bowl for me. Highly recommended for lovers of Latakia: over 75% and yet not over powering. Like someone dumped a wheelbarrow full of incense onto a bonfire. It has a pleasant aftertaste. This is awesome. And a top of all that , this tobacco is smooth. C&D's #099, Engine 99. However after I killed a 1/4 pound I realized that I was spot on. This became my favorite pipe tobacco blend halfway through my first bowl. Simply THE Best!!! Share 0 Tweet 0. I tried this in my well broken in corncob while I was outside gardening on a fairly windy day. The orientals are drowned by the Latakia and the burley, apart from mitigating the burnt cork taste of pure Latakia, does little. Ive tried a lot of english blends that said they had a lot of latakia or said they have full strength smoke, like Samuel Gawiths Commonwealth Mixture. It burns dry and relatively cool. Many tobaccos with half as much bill themselves as "heavy" blends. The burn's consistent and incredibly even, giving off a smoke that's reminiscent of Sam G Balkan Flake: cool Latakia. It has a smoked bacon with sharp provolone flavor !!! It does have, as others have mentioned, quite a punch but is great for when I am in a contemplative mood. If you're a latakia fiend, you have to try this. I snuck in a couple bowls n the house and my wife didn't say a word. There, in the breeze, this tobacco really displayed probably what it was meant to be - a wonderfully tasty Latakia based press. This is not a complex smoke. Pirate Kake is a good smoke IF you love latakia. Tobacco is soft and dry. . ! Takes a while to get it going. 10-13-2022. Absolutely luscious! I detect no other tobacco flavor but Latakia, which happens to be high quality, but definitely not my thing in this quantity. Not much to say beyond that. It's quite easy to peel off the cake layer and get it ready for smokable condition. . It is pretty straightforward with its flavors , but in an enjoyable way, and as I said before it is a very cool and smooth smoke. I cant seem to tolerate the nicotine rush associated with the more fuller bodied tobaccos. I could never smoke this all day long, but I doubt I could ever smoke this much lat in any blend all day. I think a 5% more of it and it would be a really great blend! Update 01/19/06- One thing that wasn't put in my original review is that Pirate Kake is a wonderful DGT tobacco, in fact sometimes I think I prefer to smoke it after a few hours left in the pipe. The burley and orientals are lost in the sea of Latakia, but I suppose they temper that robust smoke to remind you that you arent smoking a bowl of str aight Latakia. I would not recommend it on its own, but mixed with some VAs or more Burleys to get the best out of it. Pipe Used: Latakia dedicated briars mostly. I can particularly taste the cavendish cut burley when I exhale through the nose. Similar level of latakia, infinitely more fresh tasting, better overall balance, way more complex. This is a rare case of too much of a good thing. I am a huge English fan and I have smoked most of the unicorns. Latakia is out front with maybe a hint of vanilla hidden way , way, way in the background. So, if you're a latakia lover give this blend a shot. Highly recommended if you like coffee with your pipes. I'm not sure what the fresh stuff is like, but I can totally recommend that you try some of the aged version if you can. Some would say the latakia is over dominant so much that you can not taste the other tobaccos in this blend. I do not find it as strong as many other reviewers. It is very moist. Very Piratey. I agree with earlier reviewers who think this is Syrian latakia. Free Shipping I like to smoke this mid afternoon with a good cup of skunky coffee. Peaty sort of flavor to it. It took two matches to get started and required only one relight. It burns cool and delivers latakia flavor like nothing else except perhaps for Penzance. A few lights required to get it going. This was the 1st time I understood "creamy" as a description for smoking. While perhaps one dimensional I love this rich Lat bomb in one of my English billiards. Anyway, I've been happy as a clam with this one and can't recommend it enough to English lovers. I received a free sample of this with an online order, and it quickly became my favorite. I just want more and more. I usually cut it like I would a plug. You may want to get a small amount to try it before you go bulk. It's only from smoking PK many times that I can barely, barely detect other tobaccos here. Thought a pirate would enjoy a smoke with more kick. Add to cart. My tin was dated from 2015. I think I have hit the same result as the Dolly record. I was expecting a one-dimensional experience, but I assure you there is more to this tobacco than many give it credit for. Still I find it a smoother ride than say Star of the East or Pease's Gaslight.. Ill taste Latakia for awhile after smoking this, but thats not to say its an unpleasant smoke. Im sipping on a bowl right now and I can honestly say this is the best pipe tobacco Ive ever had. The nose on the smoke is so pleasing! If there is such a thing as heaven, for latakia lovers the streets of heaven must be paved with pirate kake. Pirate?s Kake does not measure up. Crumbles up real nice. I like Burley tobaccos as well, I just don't think this blend uses it well. A little drying helps the taste a little and keeps your pipe dry. A Latakia lover's treasure. It burns cool, rich tasting smooth flavor and a delightful smokey aroma. Surprisingly the nicotine content is not that high, mind you Latakia on its own is no Howitzer either. Best smoked after a meal (not before) or it will overpower one's palate. Totally my own fault : ). The only heavy latakia blend I like better is CAO old ironside. The pressed cakes are good looking, somewhat moist and tightly pressed. . Oak Pirate Kake by Cornell & Diehl is sold in a 2-oz tin. Appearance is a pressed briquette ("krumble kake"), rubs out to a coarse mixture of pieces and ribbon. When I first tried this, I thought it was disgusting. Being a Pirate Kake fan I'm starting to love some of the Captain Earle's offerings more and more. Really enjoy it anytime of day mostly in the morning with a cup of coffee. As my sample was small and I liked it, but yet was not blown away by it, I am giving this one three stars with plans to pick up a tin or two to try later. In my ridiculously long churchwarden the smoke was actually pretty mellow for a latakia blend. GArrr!! Pirate Kake is not just a smoke; it is a true religious experience! I cannot compare it to the new and there is no way to even attempt to remember what it tasted like that long ago and whether 19 years improved it or not. While the cavendish cut burley does not contribute to the taste in any way, it gives this blend a smooth, cool and even burn. if you can procure it This is the ultimate Lat-Bomb. It requires one to slow down and enjoy the ritual and preparation of a great pipe smoke. If they are certain that they enjoy latakia in larger quantities, then this would be a fantastic blend for a new pipe smoker. Just yesterday I had some Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels, and I immediately thought of those when I emblazoned a bowl of Pirate Kake for the first time (Buttery smooth caramels, drenched in Belgian dark chocolate, then sprinkled with crunchy rock salt from the Dead Sea). With the fragrantly smoky aroma from Latakia, this easily packed crumble cake already becomes my everyday rotation. I love how C & D presses the mixture into bite-sized chunks almost good enough to eat. Tastewise, this is amazing. I now understand why so many rate this tobacco highly. MSRP: $68.00 If this were a restaurant it would be Outback Steakhouse, very tasty and better than almost all the other chain restaurants for sure but Its no Mortons Steakhouse or Texas de Brazil. I am not quite sure how to fully describe this tobacco. One of my favorites. As it happens, latakia on its own is quite mild. But whether or not I continue to explore their blends, ofcourse i will, I will also make certain that I have a good supply of PK on order and in my cupboard before the rest of the smoking world wakes up to this blend, if they havent already. UPDATE 11-18-2009: I'm afraid I must contradict my own recent review of Pirate Kake. It does have a lot of Latakia but the addition of the Burley g ives it a bit of a bite that's not exactly my cup of tea. You'll have to brush the taste out of your mouth. Im a latakia lover. I still rate it at three stars, and worth your consideration if you're into heavy English blends. Enjoy + Require buying + An all-day smoke Four Stars Rating, Purchased From: 8 oz tins from pipesandcigars. Ive had straight Virginias with a stronger flavor overall, therefore I'm dropping pirate kake to two stars. Goes well with the black rum, or maybe a stronger stout or IPA. Give it a try. nothing subtle here, but very smooth. At the time i had no idea what Latakia was or why 75% matered at all. I'll be honest. Ive had a few tobaccos from C&D and this is by far my favorite. And like other heavy latakia blends, this one tends to make me thirsty. Be prepared to be shunned! If you don't really like Latakia this will not change your mind. From char to dregs lots of nice smooth, smoky latakia flavor with hints of minor components at times. No amarga nada, y el sabor propio del burley solo se puede apreciar por su aporte de madera y terrosidad a la fumada. As I worked my way through a two ounce tin I could not help but wonder if this was created on a dare. Just finished my 1st full tin of this and it did not take long. This one is permanently in my rotation. The smell in your tin is strongly smoky, as you would expect. If you're looking for a better Latikia Bomb, check out Captain Earl's Stimulus Package or his Ten Russians. Definately in my top 10. This was not a very complex blend regarding variance in flavor, but it was a good smoke. Indeed smoking of this tobacco is a spiritual experience! Frankly, I am not sure, but I do know that somewhere this one crosses the line. Strength is medium, body is medium, flavour is medium plus. As for the room note unfortunately even though I always smoke outside, some wafted in and my girl friend was not too happy but I was, ha. If there were negative stars, Pirate Kake would earn them. Highly recommended. This is a tobacco blend that doesn't beat around the bush! A blend of burleys, orientals and a whopping 75% latakia, Pirate Kake is full, smooth and creamy when young. A Latakia lover's treasure. My kids' comment on tin note - "Ewww! Latakia heavy at first (in a good way), then the orientals make their nutty, exotic spice appearance about half way in. No, that isn?t a bad thing! This product can expose you to tobacco smoke, which is known to the State of California to cause . Beautiful gray ash. I get so much peppery spice out of this I could only smoke half a bowl before I had to call it quits. I initially bought a tin, liked it, then eventually bought a pound brick which I placed into two of the large mason jars. But it is a flawed treasure. My favorite so far. If you like Latakia, this is clearly for you. So much so that I just ordered a 16ox bag of it. This is a wonderful blend that scratches the Latakia itch for me like no other. Mind you, its a good mixture; smooth and heavily smoky. $10.99 Save 2% +-Add. The smoke ripples out of the bowl upon that first light, thick and velvety, so gray that it's almost blue, and the palate is hit with a blast of latakia that some may find overwhelming, but others such as myself simply surrender to. Cornell and Diehl's Pirate Kake is the last of the bulk samples from my recent half tinned and half bulk thin down purchase and I saved it for last. It is too much, after a few minutes of it my senses numbed. Compared to other Latakia-rich mixtures, I found Pirate Kake to be a flavorful yet monochromatic smoke. Made from several high quality latakias including syrian and cyprian. Strong Latakia presence with Orientals for a rich, silky, cool smoke. I think if I had bought this in any quantity it would be a great blender with a dryer, easier burning, simple burley. Second mistake: Burley has no proper taste; its a neutral tobacco without a specific taste. HO-LEEE SMOKES, BATMAN!!! Hours of Operation: Our website is always open and you can place an order at any time. Well I was hoping to find something very strong as it's a Latakia Bomb but NO! Will buy more and experiment to see what aging does. But it is gone now, and so I begin a quest for my Holy Grail: A substitute to replace the standard on which all English tobaccos are based. The taste on the palate apparently does not translate as far as room aroma; my wife does not much care for the aroma but she does not complain, bless her heart. Probably it is the little Burley content in Pirate Kake which makes it my personal favourite among these Latakia-thunderbolts. But I didn't throw it out and instead kept the small plastic bag in a drawer. Create New Wish List; Facebook; Email; Print; Twitter; . Penzance is good but it has no taste next to this. Been a pipe smoker for over 40 years and Pirate Kake is some of the best ever. Nicotine and body are mild, but the taste is medium/strong. Dont get me wrong, its certainly a lat bomb, and smokiness abounds, but its a soft, smooth, mild creamy smoke with a cedar like incense quality. It does stay lit well. It's really not what I consider a "Latakia Bomb" with an obtrusive Latakia aroma! Broke her in with my tongues? Another draw on the pipe and the taste changes to that of a herbaceous confection and a middle filled with tuberous roots that are nicely toasted to a slightly bitter but still tasty treat. Such a concentration of LAtakia becomes unidimensional after a while, so it would gain to be mixed with something else to bring variety to it. To give it a fare test, I smoked Pirate Kake for almost a week. The bowl of my pipe is staying absolute cool to the touch. A mighty cake burley, for the lover of Latakia. It might need a relight or two. And this stuff will haunt your pipes for eternity. It is not at all one-dimensional, even if it obviously is a Latakia forward blend, given its 75% proportion. Smokes cool, slow, and extremely flavorful from char to dottle. Kake is misleading as the pressed tobacco has many of the characteristics of a small piece of 5/4 inch pine decking. With complexities of smoke covering your taste buds. It was my first experience with tobacco in this form as well. fix this is a great place to go. I tend to think either C&D is using some very old Latakia or that this blend is not 70% Latakia. I love the full-on tastiness of this tobacco Im going to bury (cellar) a ton of this treasure. And it makes my beard smell really cool afterwords. This thing here -this Pirate Kake- has indeed hit the spot. That said, its a heavy Latakia Mixture that is tasty. I love that woodsy aroma and taste. The smokey latakia is up front (though I wouldn't consider it a lat bomb), and floral riding shot gun and mildly sweet in the back. Pipe Used: meer. Others who prefer more restraint won't. Not an all day smoke, but a must try for the latakia/english lovers. MY GOSH! tin provides four bricks of crumbly, rich black tobacco with a few random flakes of lighter orientals here and there. You can almost hear your girl complaining about this one already. The crumble cake breaks into a beautifully easy to pack shag that makes the tobacco burn very well. The flavors actually varied through out the bowl ranging from smokey to earthy and very lightly sweet. It crumbled up pretty easy and packed up well. Orders over $95 in US, Safe Payments As other reviews state, it is not for the light Latakia smoker, I believe this in on par with many other Latakia heavy blends, if not heavier. Pipe Used: Ashton ELX Brindle Billiard - 2007 NASPC yearpipe. Breaking off pieces of this luscious, indulgent cake, rubbing it out and preparing it in the pipe is half the fun. Where's my jug o'grog? Just do us all a favor and don't smoke PK, then bang on it in a review for having too much Latakia; that's the whole point of it. I agree with the previous reviews that it is rather linear and lacks balance, but if you're looking at Pirate Kake like I was, it's because you wanted that lack of balance; I wanted as much Latakia as possible. This blend lacks balance and should not be smoked by a newbie wishing to try their first English tobacco. 80 ounces/ 5 pounds $199.50. Has a pleasant, lingering after taste and strong room note. I also found this blend seemed to pack a bit of nicotine when smoked in an MM General. Which is exactly the Latakia taste I look for. Very smoky, leathery, and herby. Above all, smoke it slow. As always YMMV. Customers Who Smoked Pirate Kake 2oz Also Smoked: I have quite a massive cellar of blends ranging from every form and cut, aromatics,English, non-aros, you name it, and this delicious cake has finally hit the WOW factor in every aspect, even days later when I get a whiff of the lingering aroma!!! Rubbed out a bowl and packed it straight away with no drying. Usually I do not think I would like such a heavy latakia blend but this is good. Some mentions aging cake differs taste, tbh, I didn't try. I can smoke several bowls in a row and enjoy its very full flavour. I started smoking pipes a couple years ago with those pouches you could get out of stores and nothing against those tobacco are the people that smoke them just thought something was missing I finally found this smoking pipes.com website ordered a tin of nightcap and that was my 1st real true experience with great tinned tobacco and that was my 1st while moment smoking a pipe while now you can't get nightcap anymore and I was looking for that wow again and just happened to pick up a can of pirate cake and this is as close a second to the while that I 1st experienced the nightcap not saying the tobaccos are similar just saying that while factor has to be the 2nd best tobacco that I've ever tried and will order more and more this is just a great smoke everything you could want every feeling every emotion just a great all around smoking tobacco. About mid bowl it seemed to mellow out and I did get some nice sweet notes. Sku: 011-617-0185 A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) Just rip off a hunk, rub it out and smoke yourself to contentment. Definitely not an all-day thing, as it would become boring. The burley chimes in with that nuttiness that I alluded to in my earlier review and the oriental stands out a little more with some sour notes. But it is strange how the strong aroma of Latakia will start to grow on you. Dark and rich looking, begging to be smoked. Conclusion: A very interesting and heavy blend. Goes well with my one Halloween costume, which is a pirate, you should know that. PK: Highly recommended. For me, this is my favorite Lat. Very consistent smoke. Pirate kake is by far the smokiest, most contemplative Latakia blend out there - it tastes great and is perfect for sitting in the cool night air and taking time off from the world. Nevertheless it is a smooth blend. I smoked one bowl out of one of my nicer pipes and now its a latakia pipe forever because the nastiness of pirate kake will never be exorcized. so in this case I like. Smooth, full flavoured, smoky, with mild tangy spicyness. It brings to mind Texas BBQ, charred wood, and outdoor cookouts. My suggestion, as always, smoke it slowly,very slowly in little medium vintage pipes . Ok Im on my river Roasting fish over a campfire. The turkish offers nice counterpoint, but no standard campfire, woody, earthy et al aromas to be had on this trip. I really enjoy smoking it at night, with the last pipe of the day and paired with a good whiskey. One of the best Latakia blends I've ever smoked.aka Latakia Bomb.. excellent. This is like an Autumn bonfire made of leaves in my mouth. Has a waxy essence to it and if you enjoy Latakia this will be a go to blend. Basaltic, spicy, dark chocolate, medium nicotine. This may very well go up to four stars then. Every time. Very creamy, smooth in the mouth and leaves a nice coating for you to enjoy for an hour. This is a very smooth and great smoking tobacco. Apparently it was just too soon into my foray into pipe smoking, but when I tried it I was astounded at how dirty it tasted. The aftertaste is also delightful as the smoke and peat keep going after the pipe is done. I assume because it is in a crumble kake that the moisture content can initially be high, so maybe dry it a little before smoking to avoid steam/tongue bite. Slightly spicy, woodsy, heavier on the Latakia, rich, pungent tobacco. This is a good tobacco. Historic volume and value sizes, company and brand market shares. Palette: Smells of rich peat, ash, campfire and a little spice. I would personally recommend a little drying time for this, as it is a little too moist for my personal tastes. This is a very enjoyable smoke, full of smokey Latakia. This is exactly what I look for in a latakia blend.
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