the one thing that has been produced this year, and we had to get involved in producing it ourselves its the training material for Jim Burns National Institute of Youth Ministries, to go along with what theyve done, type of thing. 2013 200, Compassion International (EIN 36-2423707). In his capacity as a leader at Focus on the Family (from 1988 to 2000) Eldredge helped shape the Christian rights strategy on combating LGBT rights. Compassion International has 3,000 employees, of which 39 are in a leadership position. 2010 5,000 Promotes conferences that seek to change gay people, Admits: I believe homosexuality is harmful to all, including society, and is against the teachings of the God of the Bible, Equates homosexuality with bestiality and adultery: The Judeo-Christian worldview at the heart of Western culture and so our legal and governmental systems (Ten Commandments, an eye for an eye, the very concepts of mercy, justice and rehabilitation) promotes marriage and family while decrying other modes of sexuality homosexuality, bestiality, adultery, etc, Uses skewed research from activists who share his view to claim that gay men can change from homosexual to heterosexual orientation and that homosexual orientation is not an immutable fact of nature or Creation., IFI President Smith has testified before the Indiana House in favor of a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage (see: When typing in this field, a list of search results will appear and be automatically updated as you type. The Family Foundation of Virginia 2004 20,000 2010 1,600 I enjoyed going to Compassion center regularly. An Iowa newspaper editor fired after publishing his views on homosexuals is claiming he was the victim of religious discrimination by his former employer. Up to 1995 Ahmanson gave Chalcedon over $750,000 and sat on the Chalcedon Institutes board. 2004 474,442 California Family Council However, the Compassion International President and CEO Santiago . 2005 2,898,640 Violence, discrimination, stigma, and criminalization negatively impact the lives of millions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTQI+) people around the world and contribute to poverty. Desert Stream Ministries 2004 5,850 2005 392,170 The First Academy is run by the Orlando First Baptist Church a fact which is only mentioned on the First Baptist Church website inside several biographies of church leaders who run the First Academy (see: 2003 1,000 2004 0 Oyets address was listed as a Post Office Box in Lilburn, GA where Revival Prayer Institute head Fred Hartley IIIs Lilburn Alliance church is located. 2013 36,000. As Don Schmierer explained to The Gathering, on the production of ex-gay training materials. 2006 0 2006 4,000 2005 44,750 [22] However, Charity Navigator changed its rating system in 2016,[23] and Compassion International's 2016 overall rating dropped to three stars out of four, for its accountability and transparency. At a key 1994 conference held at the Glenn Eyrie headquarters of The Navigators (also funded by NCF), Eldredge, then serving as Focus On The Familys Director of Seminars and Research, emphasized the need to wrap an underlying eliminationist agenda in layers of PR: To the extent we can control our public image, we must never appear to be bigoted or mean-spirited. NCF funding to the AFM reflects the peak period of this effort, from 2004-2007. Rather, the ADF provides not only legal assistance but also targeted financing to support specific litigation. God loves homosexuals so much that he will spare no expense in making it clear that homosexuality is an abomination to Him and that He can deliver someone from it.. 2008 129,000 I think its, probably its like $150,000 bucks, and he needs 70 or 80 [more]. 2007 100 2004 1,100 2011 67,850 2013 0, Global Mobilization Ministries (EIN 20-1030740). 2009 370,090 Since 2010, the AFAs director of Issue Analysis for Government and Public Policy Bryan Fischer has been rebroadcasting tropes originally minted by Scott Lively, that Hitler and top Nazis were gay. 2001 5,260 NCF is the biggest philanthropy represented at The Gathering, which as an event was conceived at a mid-1980s meeting at The Fellowships The Cedars Arlington, VA Mansion retreat center overlooking the Potomac River. Current E&PPC fellow Herb Schlossberg who served as a Fieldsteads program director during the 1990s, conceived the master religious right plan for fighting organized homosexuality that was presented at The Gathering in 1997. 2011 11,200 Africa Inland Mission International The work of Christian relief and development, therefore, must involve spiritual First, Charity Navigators updated criteria removed revenue growth as a measure they evaluate. That is the high priest of our culture., Shrewdly, Eldridge continued, we need to show why society needs to make certain demands on people sexually. He said that public perception has to be changed. 2007 400 If only you knew how much food was given to our family, you'd understand what it meant. 2002 0 Lets look at Leviticus 18:22. Santiago "Jimmy" Mellado is the current CEO and President of Compassion International. Bring Biblical solutions to contemporary social problems Mayflower Institute Weigel, then an E&PCC fellow, had earlier appeared on a January 1, 2003 PBS Religion and Ethics Newsweekly segment arguing the just war case for a US preemptive strike on Iraq, on the basis that Iraq had acquired weapons of mass destruction that posed on existential threat to its neighbors (see: ). economic liberation with salvation, and to use the Marxist critique, without recognizing the basic conflict between these views and the Biblical perspective. 2007 0 Spavia International, LLC Assistant Spa Manager Job in Ann Arbor, MI 2012 222,600, Ransomed Heart Ministries (EIN 84-1535770), Former Focus on The Family leader and Ransomed Heart Ministries head John Eldredge is author of the bestselling book Wild At Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Mans Soul (2001, Thomas Nelson. The First Academy (of Central Florida) Freedom in Christ Ministries According Martin Selbrede, to one of the current leaders of the Christian Reconstructionist Chalcedon Foundaiton, a possible deal between Gothard and R. J. Rushdoony in which Gothard would have published and promoted Rushdoonys books fell through because Gothard demanded, as a condition of the deal, that Rushdoony cut from his books Rushdoonys support for divorce in the case of marital infidelity. The Becket Fund For Religious Liberty They didn't have children when they sponsored him, and they told Kennedy he was their first son. In the footnotes, on page 245, Reese refers readers to my friend David Kyle Fosters website:, especially for homosexual issues., Andy Reese has contributed to the growing climate of homophobia in Uganda by traveling to Uganda to train pastors in the National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches, Ugandas biggest network of born-again churches boasting, by some claims over 10,000 member churches, by other claims 20,000. Self-Compassion as a Protective Factor Against Minority Stress for LGBT 2012 1,017,175. 2011 9,350 Since 1980, Compassion International's headquarters have been located in Colorado Springs, CO. You can call Compassion at (800) 336-7676, Monday through Friday, 7a.m. And 50,000 of those children have been waiting for more than a year, a much higher number due to the pandemic. "This is not an endorsement of same-sex marriage. A maturing child needs the gender-specific influences of both a mother and a father. 2012 42,700 family, and work, but equally in the shaping of the culture and social life. 2007 5,500 2013 55,490, The Lilburn Alliance Church is the Lilburn, Georgia home church of College of Prayer leader Fred Hartley, III. Yes. 2005 10,800 Theres no female dog that mates with a female dog, theres no male dog that lusts after a male dog. Until its recent demise, with the statement from Exodus president Alan Chambers that ex-gay therapy does not work, Exodus was the leading reparative therapy organization. 20012006 0 More broadly, at the State Department, Abrams helped steer the Reagan Administration towards its support for Central American nations such as Guatemala and El Salvador that during the the early to mid-1980s, under the banner of anticommunism, were mounting genocidal counterinsurgency campaigns against their civilian populations. While Michael Cromartie served to connect Chuck Colson with elite mentors in the emerging Neo-evangelical movement who imparted a level of intellectual sophistication to Colsons fervent neophyte born-again faith, Colson may well have influenced Michael Cromartie in ways just as profound Cromarties next career move would be to join the recently launched Ethics and Public Policy Center that, among its various projects, has served as an indefatigable cheerleader for American military adventurism. "If only you knew": Former Compassion-sponsored children write one last 2008 8,300 An entire literature, from Miller and other evangelical aid and development theorists, now spells out exactly how the Villars Statement vision is to be, in quite practical terms, applied in the field; and, major evangelical aid and relief organizations are now integrating this approach into their international programs. In March 2009, Schmierer who markets a line of ex-gay books translated into multiple languages including Russian, Chinese, and Hindi was a speaker, along with Scott Lively, at a Kampala, Uganda conference credited with dramatically escalating anti-LGBT hatred in Uganda. 2010 $6,735,669 (ORU Alumni Foundation $25,000) Whitehead credits Rushdoony with providing the outline for his first book, which he researched in Rushdoonys library. Bright co-authored the book with Coalition on Revival signatory Ron Jenson. One of those, What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality: Answering Revisionist Gay Theology, showcases, in a section titled The Holiness Code, Leviticus 20:13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (see: Over the past decade, Louis Palaus son Kevin Palau has taken his fathers ministry in a bold new direction, through a partnership with the secular, liberal city of Portland Oregon in which each year thousands of volunteers from hundreds of area churches volunteer in a civic improvement campaign. Until the unexpected demise of Vision Forum Ministries in the wake of a sex scandal that embroiled its head Doug Phillips, Vision Forum was one of the leading Christian Reconstructionist organizations in America. 2010 0 2012 0 2006 20,000 2008 400 2010 0 Rutherford Institute head John W. Whitehead denies being a Christian Reconstructionist, and a 2007 interview with the nonprofit advocacy group Jews on First (see: seems to indicate that Whitehead has moved some ideological distance from Christian Reconstructionism since his the days of his close association with Christian Reconstructionisms founder R. J. Rushdoony and Rushdoonys most important financial patron Howard Ahmanson, also one of the Institutes top financial backers. 2011 373,373 In early 2015, leading up the oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court concerning the constitutionality of same-sex marriage, the Liberty Counsel organized a Defend Marriage Pledge, who signatories wanted to warn the Court not to cross the redline of natural marriage (see: ), 2004 15,000 2005 10,000 Henry Orombi has, in turn, worked closely with prominent (and frequent) The Gathering speaker Rick Warren, who has helped provoke schisms within the Episcopal Church (see: and even offered schismatic groups worship space at his Saddleback Church (see: Dobson, Eldridge told the group, and those of us at Focus on the Family in the public policy fight, see this issue as one of the key issues of our time. In the PK manifesto Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper evangelist Tony Evans urges PK men to, sit down with your wife and say something like this: Honey, Ive made a terrible mistake. Hurricanes Wilma and Rita also each brought judgment on cities that were about to host major gay eventsKey West and Cancunthus seriously curtailing the celebration of gay acceptance. 2003 2,678,900 In its Fall 2011 issue, the Ivy League Observer featured an article by one of the leaders of the Princeton Group initiative, venture capitalist Chuck Stetson, a co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage and the CEO of the (anti-gay) National Marriage Week. A video of the event is available for download from the AMA LGBT Advisory Committee. Following closely in his fathers footsteps Matthew Hagee, who has taken over as head pastor at John Hagees Cornerstone Church, claims AIDS is a choice (see: and fulminates, We are at a tipping point when the church can watch the homosexual agenda be advanced in public schools and we sit back and whine about it. Top Christian Reconstructionists such as R.J. Rushdoony (widely considered the movements founder) have advocated imposing capital punishment (via such biblical methods of execution as stoning, crucifixion or burning at the stake) for violations of mosaic law such as adultery, homosexuality, female un-chastity (sex before marriage), witchcraft, idolatry, and blasphemy. Compassion International began in 1952 in Chicago, IL, as the Everett Swanson Evangelistic Association. Compassion, Compassion International, Compassion Sunday, the Compassion Logo and the FILL THE STADIUM Logo are registered trademarks of Compassion International, Inc. All donations in the United States are tax deductible in full or part. 2009 1,370,350 2007 192,000 About Compassion International What is Compassion International? 2002 2,284 Since its founding in 1982, the NCF has given out over $5 billion in grant money, and over 2.5$ billion of that went out in a five year period, from 2009-2013. 2002 0 [T]he Bible is very clear about homosexual acts being a very evil thing, wrote Cass. 2007 3,000 In a 2012 appearance on the Glenn Beck Show, together with Wallbuilders head David Barton, Shackleford claimed that if members of the U.S. military are not free to openly express their religious views well end up with Hitlers SS. 2005 101,640 2003 0 poor. It was the safest place to be. 2007 1,390,833 In the mid-1990s, Bright was one of the co-founders (along with James Dobson, Larry Burkett, D. James Kennedy, Donald Wildmon, and Marlin Maddoux) of the Alliance Defense Fund (now Alliance Defending Freedom) that according to Human Rights Campaign Vice President Fred Sainz is easily the most active antigay legal group ( see: ) and which has emerged as a significant force in the World Congress of Families that internationally has rallied social conservatives worldwide against gay rights, and reproductive and womens rights. 2006 0 2004 0 I know its at least over 80 percent, I believe its 80-85 percent success rate. The yearly conference known as The Gathering was conceived during a mid-1980s meeting at The Cedars, The Familys Arlington, Virginia mansion used as a retreat and prayer center. Headed by Georgia pastor Fred Hartley Jr. III, the Revival Prayer Institute has financed travel, by American evangelicals from the Christian and Missionary Alliance, to Africa and elsewhere to establish satellite branches of the College of Prayer. 2007 30,400 Intercessors For America 2013 0, Child Evangelism Fellowship (EIN 95-1502345), The Child Evangelism Fellowship has established its Good News Clubs, that target young school children for evangelizing, in thousands of public schools across America. Massachusetts Family Institute fundraising banquet in October 2014. 2010 32,000 2002 10,000 2007 40,004 2009 1,371, Youthbuilders (formerly National Institute of Youth Ministry. Palau has spoken at The Fellowship associated events such as The Gathering and was a featured speaker at a 2012 Atlanta, GA event commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the founding of the National Christian Foundation (see: ). What number can I call if I need more information? In 2010 Christian Union brought Intelligent Design expert Walter Bradley to Princeton and its Ivy League Christian Observer has showcased Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Michael Behe, author of the influential ID book Darwins Black Box. In an April 2014 CBN commentary bemoaning the impact of the Obama administration and their allies, Pat Robertson stated, Something has got to be done, we have to get free of these people because its like a mass of termites that is eating away at the structure of this great edifice we call the United States of America and theyre burrowing in and theyre getting paid to destroy us. (see:, Robertsons use of the term termites was not new. 2004 67,500 2006 13,200 Each child has only one sponsor, which is why the sponsor's prayers, letters and support mean so much to a child. The need to reaffirm the Biblical support for the family as the basic social and economic unit and its right to own and control property, and to stand against any ideology that would diminish the familys proper role in any of these areas. The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Association was founded in 1952 by the Rev. How does Compassion choose which countries to work in? Rwanda. 2010 23,700 Daly noted that orthodox Christian were both for and against the bill. My family was definitely at the heart of poverty. Im not suggesting that you ask for your role back, Im urging you to take it back. (see: 2012 11,760. The Iowa Family Policy Center is the educational arm of the Iowa Family Leader. 2010 16,750 Where is Compassion International's headquarters? 2009 7,300 2006 42,725 2013 329,100, Teen Challenge (see section on Assemblies of God. Kicked off with the 1987 publication of the TURNING POINT Christian Worldview series book Turning Point: A Christian Worldview Declaration (1987, Crossway Books) by Herbert Schlossberg and Marvin Olasky, the series was designed to advance lines of argument that would appeal both to conservative Protestant and Catholic intellectuals alike and featured such little-known but deeply influential (within certain religious right circles) books as E. Calvin Beisners Prospects For Growth: A Biblical View of Population, Resources, and the Future (1990, Crossway Books.). If I made it past sickness, I would have succumbed the typical narrative of every young boy in these lands. 2011 3,000 TruthXchange claims that all belief systems cleave into two grand patterns, one-ist and two-ist with two-ist systems representing the correct fundamentalist Christian viewpoint and one-ist belief systems representing pagan belief systems. 2003 120,000 2005 1,000 2002 6,900 2007 1,453,751` At a Spring 2010 Kampala, Uganda rally, Oyet told his audience, It is not Uganda putting a death penalty on homosexuals, it is God and his word! Now, listen to me the sodomy people, the homosexuals, are even more foolish than dogs. [26] In 2015, Compassion affiliates' offices were raided by tax investigators seeking evidence on whether it was funding religious conversions. Compassion International is an American child sponsorship and Christian humanitarian aid organization headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, that aims to positively influence the long-term development of children globally who live in poverty. We were expecting maybe 25 members of parliament and 75 other city leaders. FRC president Tony Perkins also serves as the head of the Council For National Policy. 2012 0 The need to apply the teaching of the Bible as a whole in the areas of personal life, 2010 164,630 Campus Crusade For Christ Beisner was also general editor for the worldview documents, on how to implement biblical law in all spheres of society, produced by the theocratic Coalition on Revival. It mattered, and it was enough. Center For Arizona Policy Compassion coordinates every aspect of the trip, including travel, meals, tips and gratuities, fees related to the travel, and sightseeing fares. 90-91), 2001 120,900 2012 60,069 2011 50,500 The CFC played an important organizing role in the successful effort to pass Californias anti-same sex marriage Proposition 8. 2005 10,300 2008 11,700 2011 142,500 Other Pure Passion experts present same-sex attraction as resulting from brokenness or wounds sustained in childhood. As detailed in journalist Katherine Stewarts book The Good News Club: The Christian Rights Stealth Assault on Americas Children (2012, Public Affairs, a member of the Perseus Book Group), in its 2001 ruling in the case Good News Club v. Milford Central School, the United States Supreme Court that public schools could not exclude religious groups from establishing after-school activities in those schools because religion, the majority opinion argued, is essentially a form of free speech protected by the First Amendment. 2011 10,000 2002 141,948 Both have participated in Ed Silvosos International Transformation Network. The .gov means its official. 2012 7,500 2004 2,000 2006 742,245 2012 150 2012 1,600, Truro Anglican Church (Truro Church) (no EIN). Council For Biblical Manhood and Womanhood , (see: My Account Sign in Please enter the username and password you selected when you created an online account. 2. Howard Ahmanson, who uses his unincorporated Fieldstead and Company to finance his philanthropic and political causes, has long been one of the most significant and strategic funders of anti-LGBT rights causes in America. 2009 100,000 The site of this religious pep rallythe Truro Churchis where Judge Clarence Thomas worships. 2010 22,455 2005 193,813 2005 20,000 (Conservative Caucus Research) Javascript is required on this website, please Enable Javascript in your browser. Compassion International is a Christian child development organization dedicated to releasing children from poverty. 2002 30,100 By 2006, when the National Christian Foundation gave $12,000 to Paul Camerons Family Research Institute, over two decades had passed since Cameron had been disavowed by two of Americas most important relevant professional associations. 2008 19,250 Compassion International is an American child sponsorship and Christian humanitarian aid organization headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, that aims to positively influence the long-term development of children globally who live in poverty . 2010 2,195,647 2004 15,000 Its not completed yet, we just stole it from the printer, this week, and it was faxed to us in a hurry, just to get it here so we at least could have something to show you. 2003 62,113 2011 700 2008 20,000 [13], Sponsors are able to visit their sponsored children through trips planned by Compassion International. This is good news to anyone seeking to escape a hollow lifestyle dishonoring to his Creator. ( see: ), 2001 0 2004 7,700 . 2010 0 In 1997 at The Gathering, Schmierer led a session during which he and other anti-LGBT rights strategists including Herb Schlossberg outlined a mutli-dimensional strategy to combat organized homosexuality. (see: 2006 10,800 Consider the NCFs startling rate of growth over the last 6 years in 2009, the National Christian Foundation gave out $328 million in grants; NCFs 2015 ministry report states that its preliminary (un-audited) grant total for FY 2014 was $875 million. Stemberger has stated that Florida LGBT activists working for a Jacksonville sexual nondiscrimination ordinance are a radical group of political operatives who want to force their aberrant views on human sexuality upon the rest of society by the mandate and penalty of law. (see: So, the perception of grass-roots organizing, or home rule, is critical. 2009 4,900 13. These factors limit their rights and access to essential services such as education, employment, and health care, and pervasive discrimination and exclusion prevent meaningful inclusion in broader development efforts. AIM was conceived from the efforts of Scottish missionary Peter Cameron Scott, and launched its missions and church-planting work with an 1895 expedition to Kenya, where AIM is particularly well established in Africa. (see: ) His family didn't have beds and slept on cardboard. 2008 322,000 The fortune of the narrowly-targeted Alliance for Marriage has risen and fallen with the religious rights efforts to prevent the legalization of same-sex marriage. Efforts to claim a genetic basis for homosexuality are rooted in the assumption that our genes tell us what Gods intention for us is Only the Word of God can tell us what Gods intention is. 2002 17,500 According to DNA, Stephen Langa is the East Africa Coordinator (see: for Samaritan Strategy Africa, a trans-African network, with at least six regional offices, that provides Christian worldview training. 65% of the management team is White. Giving special presentations at the Advocates International / Advocates Africa Ethiopia conference in 2009 were the following National Christian Foundation-supported organizations: Prison Fellowship International, Campus Crusade for Christ, Alliance Defense Fund, International Justice Mission, and Pepperdine University, USA. By contrast, too often Christans broadcast all they do There are times we need to keep quiet. 2008 4,000 2009 5,285,042 2007 5,000 2009 77,000 The failure to operate from a distinctively Biblical perspective in both methods and goals. 2013 500 (Regeneration Inc), Revival Prayer Institute, Inc. (EIN 58-2559217).
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