We were on the phone for 7 hours!! This kind of behavior can do more than just hurt her as it can break her heart. The Pisces woman can teach her Taurus friend to get in touch with his emotions and express his feelings in artistic ways, which will help him grow and improve as a person. Like the way you like to treat you. But if its gonna happen again, iys for you to decide. Tjey struggles more by expressing their emotions. I am currently divorcing my Pisces husband after 12 long years because I was sick and tired of his clingy, needy, cant make a decision, bad luck having self. He is able to make her feel appreciated and admired. They tend to be sweet and gentle to one another. Chat with one of Keens love and relationship psychics today! When she lacks the stability she craves, the Taurus woman may pout or even lash out at him. Pisces Man and Taurus Woman Compatibility: Love, Sex, and I do love him truly. Unfortunalty, blind trust is too risky for my heart.. WebTaurus and Pisces are both all about pleasure. When the Taurus woman is having a hard time, the Pisces man can help her not get to a passive aggressive place by helping her remember the good things I know thats not ideal but our paths rarely cross in person. AMAZING Can Taurus Man Marry Pisces Woman? (Here's Why They're He is hardworking and caring person that i have ever met. I just began to date a Pisces man. He ended it yesterday and his reason was i dont know what i want, my head is so messed up. This is a great match.. never had fight since we are married. Both of these signs use sex to communicate, and they feel unloved when their partner doesnt want to be close to them physically. A lot of the piscean guy are naturally protecting your heart and emotions. pisces man In order for them to take it to the next level and commit, they would have to find out if what they want are the same. If you read this far, thank you.. My bf loves when i dress up and look sophisticated. They both seek peace and are willing to do everything possible to avoid conflict. Anyway, we first started talking online around Mid April of 2015 and met in the flesh on 11th December 2015 which was so bloody awkward as we are both very very shy, thankfully there was family members of mine in our prescence which helped to ease the situation! It works really great! Taurus Man and Pisces Woman: Marriage When these two zodiacs decide to enter into a sacred union is when things get interesting. Its like nothing to me. Were just like that. We are not ones to act like children, we talk a lot of things through and then discuss what we need to do or say differently the next time. Its my best relationship ever. And the two pisces guys i dated had a weakness for women. While the signs are compatible the relationship (like all) still needs hard work. Married pisces man & taurus woman here. He is likely to take great comfort in knowing that he can lean on his Taurus lady when need be, as, if left to his own devices, he can let his life fall into shambles, but she is responsible enough to make sure that both of them are on track at any given moment. WebThe compatibility between the Pisces woman and the Virgo man is good in many respects. Still a work in progress, but he will be mine. Are you both still dating? Who Walks The Bride Down The Aisle? Pisces - Compatibility in Love and Marriage But that is absolutely fine, I love seeing the passion in his eyes when he talks about the things that he wants. Be careful about your words when you feel like your horns will coming out. This is a relationship that could lead to marriage. Ive dated 2 Taurus women, both for 3 years +. Life will always throw curve balls at any long-lasting relationship. There is this Pisces guy who fidgets a lot when im around He recently added friend on Facebook. Aries wants action and stimulation, and enjoys the challenge of a new environment, whereas what Taurus wants above all else is domestic tranquility, stability, and security. Because of his loving kind nature I ask him for nothing and want nothing from him other than his love. Gemini Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Its ok, if you have so much dollars. He prefers to live in a world of fantasy and dreams, rather than staying grounded in reality. Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Of course he has his sucker days but the older I get the easier I learn to just accept it. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Pisces is selfless and compassionate, making them great partners in relationships. But we found a way around that now as our ups and downs taught us to establish common ground. Lives in a different state, we talk on the phone for hours and now we sleep together on the phone. WOWThis is so true I just started dating a Pisces man and if feels sooo right.the sex is amazing.The worst zodiac sign a Taurus can date is an Aquarius. As a result, she is emotionally very stable. When things are going well, they go really well. A Pisces man and a Taurus woman make a sweet and gentle pairing. It might be clich, but the phrase, they complete each other, is really describing them. The horoscope gives the Taurus-Pisces bond compatibility that has a sense of certainty. Somebody I would love to share the rest of my life with! are friendship flourished the second we both started talking. Be careful, its only been one month and you Luce in other countries! As a pisces man i can assure you, nit all pisces me are stingy i rarely have money and honestly hate money so many arguements and chaos over it i love spending my money on myself as much as i do in the one im with. They both seek a simple relationship with no strings attached. A lot of the time talking about bills or complaining about money its not because Im doing anything but trying to get my partner to say dont worry baby you got this. He would feel like he got struck by Cupid by the way he is mesmerized. WebPisces Woman - Taurus Man Zodiac Compatibility, Love Compatibility, Relationship Compatibility, Obsession, Sex Compatibility and Reviews. My ex wasnt exactly there for me and he even hurt me in some ways. Pisces Man My husband is like how you described your fellow, hes amazing. Im a Taurus woman in a relationship with a Pisces man. Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. A Taurus woman loves to be indoors and her cozy, comfortable home and interest in interior design reflects that. Another good news is that the Taurus woman is patient and if they have a strong foundation together, she will be the type to endure rather than leave. They are able to balance each other very well. Pisces Man Taurus Woman Pisces man and woman love to please others, leave no stone unturned for those they care about, and are extremely loyal, Taurus is possibly the most sensual sign of the zodiac, so he communicates his feelings for a Pisces woman with his tender touch. The romantic overtones that first brought these two together tend to fade over time, especially on the side of Taurus. Haha! But since that day we havent really talk we didnt do anything wrong just a few kisses when we left ! Though at times she may seem cold and heartless but it is just her dedication towards her work and no rude intentions. He still wants to be able to lead his wife and maybe his future family. and im so glad you are away from all that now and youre happy. Taurus Woman Pisces Man Break Up Im a Taurus woman and Ive been with my Pisces for 12yrs. She will use her sense of practicality and her compassion for this. Taurus is an earth sign ruled by A Pisces woman and a Taurus man make a beautiful couple since they are both open-minded, intuitive, compassionate, and beautiful. Hope this helps in you future. Disagreements are a natural part of your relationship. But she is too laid-back to break up over his reluctance to get married, and he will keep her happy with plenty of reassurance of his love in the meantime. It is truely a beautiful relationship to be in. Any advice? Web2 Goodman 1998 From the best-loved name in astrological study, Linda Goodman, comes the first guide for her countless readers detailing what the stars can tell us Webwhat we offer below as capably as review Taurus Woman And Pisces Man Linda Goodman what you once to read! Im 20, hes 23 btw. If you have not already tied the knot, this year could be the right time to do so. A Pisces woman is very submissive, so she will be happy to let her Taurus friend take charge and be in control. These individuals can make each other truly happy by forming a profound emotional understanding. The Pisces man and Taurus woman enjoy a comfortable and enduring bond as friends. Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment below. The Pisces man wants his partner to join him in his dream world. Pisces Man Obsessed With Taurus Woman - Zodiac Compatibility Part of it is because I moved away for a little bit, but it actually made us stronger. We hold hands when we go out and talk a lot about anything. And yes the are PLAYERS . You can say were both virgins on relationships and dating lol. I was reading this post and couldnt help but notice your comment. He will be captivated at first glance by her serenity and listening ability. The sign of Pisces could be a culmination of a sexual encounter orgasm. Taurus Man Any man who cheats on you, does not love you. He is the ocean, and I am the sand, I am a taurus female and meet a piscies male threw a friend ans since i saw him i was attracted to him and evidently he was to because after socialising he grabed me and kissed me out of the blue that kiss was so majical we exchanged # and Fb and he ask me out on a date and we just cliked that he would call me txt me and let me tell you our phone conversations were for 4-5 hr i had never spoke with someone like i do to him even though there were things i did not like , his stupid lies his lack of attentiveness when he was streesed and i as a regular taurus had a lot of patience with him we had our ups and downs because he would think of me as to possesive and jelous and he did not like that but everytime he would forgive me and come back his explanation was that for some reason he coulnt stop thinking about me and that i had somethung he coulnt resist and i told him i had a dejavu experience with him idk it was just so weird like we had already met in another life or something so majical i fell in love with this guy so deeply but he never knew what he wanted in life..but i did! Mind you, I was 15 and he was 16..but 6 years later, as Im going on 22 and hes 23, we are still happily together and now living together <3 . I am a Taurus woman 28 & I met my Pisces man 33 November 2019. She, in turn, is perceptive and easily understands what is necessary for a man from Vigo. Communication isnt amazing as of yet but we will get there. as the woman you must build & conduct effective dialogue & be as direct as possible without pushing him away. Taurus woman My Pisces mood changes dramatically, from time to time he tends to change even his career plans simply just by being in different physical setting or his surrenders. I still love him because of his good ways he was so caring and would always help me in anyway wish i knew how to help him sort his problems out..! The Pisces man is very compassionate and understanding. We are together but its definitely been a roller coaster ride holding on. So I am a female Taurus and I had a situationship with a male pieces that endely roughly around March. Taurus and Pisces are both about joy. Pisces is such an intuitive sign that the Pisces woman is nearly psychic and will be able to predict the potential for their romance right away, so she wont understand his hesitancy to commit. Im a taurus woman who fell in love with a pisce man with the first kiss.It sometimes hard to figure him out but, when we come together its amazing and i believe that we are going to be together. He lacks emotional stability and is prone to mood swings. He is poetic and gentle in all his gestures, and remains simple and sweet all the time when in a relationship. Most likely hes not being greedy hes looking for some support and information that you think he can handle the situation. Dont deny yourself as growth takes times, Just understand what needed in the ship for you to feel at peace. The Taurus woman is capable of lasting all night. Be true and honest with yourself and with him. He talks loudly when he sees when im around, I know he is showing off and all.. but its so irritating to me a taurus lady.. How would you rather be approached? Im not married yet ..by Im interested at her so badly. Taurus Man I am also one of the taureans, you know that we dont have problems about communicating to anyone. Taurus Man & Taurus Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match But I look at him as the type of man I would love as a husband and the father to my children. The sexual tension between them can be the talk of the town. Man There is a strong tie in the love association of Taurus and Pisces with ease of communication and great sense of responsibility towards each other. and we felt like we want more precise reason from them, but its mostly inside their head. Dawn I feel you totally on that about Aquarius Meni learned the hard way too but its teahes us a lesson and to better our selvesim dating a pices man and he is so sweet and couldnt ask for anything more. We were instantly drawn to each other. I just wanted to voice how I feel. But I know I am a grounded person and if he wanted to do that, he would have suggested that I am aware everybody needs their own space and also it is early days, it is only April 2016 we dont even fully fully know eachother- maybe thats because we dont see eachother that much. Aries Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? I was also surprised by my action in the beginning too. They make warm, loving parents and will build a beautiful home and life together. A Taurus guy can show a Pisces woman how to temper her emotions with logic and see situations from a practical point of view, which can help ground her. Indeed, for those who've tried and failed to find the right man offline, mutual relations can provide. If you feel that she likes you, go for it! I genuinely did not believe that he would be able to help me in any way (you dont believe that when you have anxiety) and of course I strive to be the independent woman that is capable of handling her own life and emotions, I mean my friend and me had discussions in the past and he said to me that it could be possible that when I found a partner my anxieties would calm down an awful lot, I just needed somebody to appreciate me for who I am so that then I could accept myself. You deserve someone who cares about how you feel. I hate to argue with him, it drags me down. Plan together to do with a problem impacting one of you or a close relative. I would love to have a future with him and hope that things will improve. The Pisces man is there to help her rediscover the joys of life. I cant wait to see him because i know our relationship is going to be amazing! Maria in the comment above said it best Taurus beware stay away from Aquarius men. Nonetheless, they have the potential of achieving one of the greatest love, if they manage to achieve balance. I want to ask her out and am thinking of just doing it through a facebook message. Argumentive. But the, Need advice about your love life? The Taurus man can help his Pisces friend get her head out of the clouds and turn her dreams into a reality, which will help her become more active and successful in life. They just cant get enough of each other. Go go go. WebThey both make very strong parents as well should they decide to marry and have children. In your opinion, what sign(s) have that ability? At the initial meeting between a Taurus man and a Pisces woman, its love at first sight. Hi. We dont intend to be womanizers but we are easily runoff and usually start looking for that perfect woman before we can get out of the situation were in because we dont want to hurt someones feelings. Trouble. Pisces will appreciate and several times reciprocate when a partner can understand them and relate to them. Im a Pisces man and I just ended 15yrs. I am a Pisces man. Long-Distance Relationship Taurus Man & Leo Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Instead, it will just come naturally as they enjoy quiet, casual moments together like sharing a cup of coffee or enjoying a nice conversation on the couch. He makes her feel validated and heard. The two of them can have quiet natures which feel at home so it works for them. WebPisces Man and Taurus Woman Sexual and Intimacy Compatibility. Both of these signs will settle for nothing less than a fairytale romance and are willing to put in the work to perfect their love story. Yea, i am taurus love my piceas man. Their compatibility is excellent and it wont be surprising if they end up spending the rest of their lives together. Our community thrives when we help each other. And sometimes they act unpredictable and volatile. Hes just so closed off to himself that he wasnt ready to hang out. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2021 Ask Oracle. Pisces man and Taurus woman A Pisces man gets stuck on a Taurus woman like a magnet. Currently with gemini, he was also cheater but because Im already had been cheated on for many times. Words cannot describe what I felt on that day. This gradually became an everyday thing, this Piscean of mine wanted to talk everyday, all the time and to me that was just like whoa! Funny, my first fianc was a Pisces but not at all like this one. She takes pride in her appearance. The disrespect he showed me was hard to take. Whether youre dating one of these zodiac signs or trying to set up someone else, you need to know about the Taurus man and Pisces woman compatibility. Affection and understanding will be something normal between them. Pisces Man The Pisces man and Taurus woman in marriage are like a dream come true. She is artistic, feminine, kind, and easy-going. I am trying to do better but I can be a Stubborn bitch he is a total dick bit we still keep trucking. We exchanged emails and then we started talking on Facebook. They are the pairing of strong and weak but yet like each others company and support. The only problem is Pisces mutable nature. Im a Taurus female. Weve met a few times and are facebook friends. Virgo Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Scorpio Man & Pisces Woman Marriage Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Pisces Woman Bed Compatibility. What confuses me is that when we first started dating I told him what kind of woman I was, and what I was looking for. I remained friends with them after the breakup, and they are like this with their next lovers. The Taurus woman has this homely presence that attracts the Pisces man. From then on things progressed, slowly thanks to me as a Piscean is much more of a faster mover than me and I am far more grounded. Marriage between a Pisces man and a Taurus woman, final words, Dating a Pisces man and the 12 things you need to know, 6 Steamy tips to turn on your Pisces man in bed, click here, Pisces compatibility with each zodiac sign, Do Pisces Men Come Back? trust him on any answers you got. I forgot to mention, his birthday is on the 16th March and my fathers was on the 15th March, I say was because my father passed away a few years ago, for this reason I think I always wanted to come accross a Piscean so that I could really see what sort of a guy my father would have been, to see some of the traits that my father would have also carried- because I adored him, very much! You see, the Pisces man has a selfless and sensitive spirit. But it doesnt mean they are not aware how they feel. Taurus Woman Pisces Man Love Compatibility That went okay when I finally decided to talk about some issues that I have, he is an extremelly good listener and is highly understanding although I am aware sometimes I am very conserved and dont discuss things into full detail and I dont delve too deep. Im with my Pisces man for 8 years. Taurus Man Pisces Woman This is whether they are friends or lovers, they will always be compatible. Now, sometimes this only happens during the early stage of the relationship. And its true in my life that pisces in general have just been the best people in the world to me and I cant help but just want to take care of their beautiful hearts. Still this relationship can be slow in developing. Taurus Man & Virgo Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? I was so angry that hed seem to care so much about forming a romantic connection with me when I found he was already in a committed relationship with someone else. Dating A Pisces Man? I was with a Aries man for about a decade (surprisingly) we butt heads SO much it was ridiculous, but we did love each truly, it was the love and sex (literally) that kept us together but I knew it wouldnt last as I began to alowly but surely detach from my Aries, were still close friends though. He is yours! What will make her fall for him fast is how validated she feels when she talks to him. RUN! Truly know very well that he is my real husband. Its interesting to me how we dont want to accept our loss in our biggest deal on this planet, love! Thats Taurus women for you.. Taurus Man And according to an astrologer, there are three zodiac signs Taurus is most likely to marry. Venus, Taurus planetary ruler is even exalted in the Sign of Pisces, they will be alright with eating out or even better when they hang out at home. Sounds more aries.. Im a taurus female and I consider myself opposite of jealous or ignorant. So I do connect with them and have a massive soft spot for them, but its not to say that it is then that they can take advantage, I know a Piscean will use their strong traits of affection etc to make a woman feel comfortable and wanted just so that they can sleep with them but many men are like that, its just that these Pisces will most likely go the extra mile. In my opinion, man cheat on us because we kinda boring but I accept that what I am because in my relationship i used to be cheated on . They both have a hunger for sensuality, affection, and reassurance and are more than happy to provide it for their partner. Only a Taurus and Pisces could understand it! As a Taurus woman, I provide stability to his mood swings he showers me with infinite love and understanding. WebFamous Taurus Woman and Pisces Man Celebrity Couples 1- Behati Prinsloo (Taurus, 16 May 1988) and Adam Levine (Pisces, 18 March 1979) 2- Javier Bardem (Pisces, 1 March 1969) and Penelope Cruz (Taurus, 28 April 1974) 3- Blac Chyna (Taurus, 11 May 1988) and Rob Kardashian (Pisces, 17 March 1987) Promising to not do it again. Pisces Woman I wonder how common Pisces men cheating is against loyal zodiac signs, I must be a really unusual female Taurus as Ive been with my male Pisces for 21 years now and Ive constantly cheated on him because he cheated on me earlier on in the relationship and that flipped a switch in my brain and I basically stubbornly took whatever I wanted whenever I want it its not ideal but he doesnt know anything about it just waiting for him to find out so he can kill me but I dont think he will I dont want him to find out though Id be devastated I just did 2 years without cheating cos my brother died he wasnt really there for me how I wanted him to be or maybe Im just not worthy of what I want cos of what Ive done I stay with him more than anything out of comfort reassurance and just routine I think he loves me more than I love him. This secret text message will make a Taurus man addicted to you. A Taurus man and a Pisces woman, although very different, are likely to have a long-lasting romance if they decide to get married. But at times she may get furious on his actions leading to a storm of anger and rage. These factors quickly lead to a serious relationship between these partners. But they both tend to bottle up their feelings, and will eventually explode if they let their unhappiness simmer for too long. He will have to keep his head out of the clouds and stay grounded in reality if he wants to keep her interested. Taurus isnt a very emotional sign, and a Taurus guy has a hard time making an emotional connection in the bedroom. Taurus woman is charming, self-confident and oriented towards stability Hey Esther, read your comments and I wanted to check to see if your Pisces man changed his ways. They are good friends AT BEST. Itll be a little awkward following the talk no matter if it went good or bad so I suggest a meal or activity (like a movie) to do right after! While there are never any guarantees, this couple seems to be made for each other.. He loves being nurtured and I love being spoiled with good quality food. WebLove compatibility between Woman of the Taurus sign and Man of the Pisces sign. He is the Yang to my Yin and I am very thankful for him. You know that adage grab a bull by the horns? Categories Astrology, Pisces Articles, Pisces Men Articles, Aquarius Man And Taurus Woman In Marriage. Were not bad . But we are a taureans and our sign is a bull. Movies might be a good way to bond. I am a taurus woman with a pisces boyfriend. . The practical and clam nature of the Taurus man will be a great relief and a mode of safety for the dreamy and idealistic Pisces girl. The Taurus woman wants nothing more than stability and she expects to receive nothing less from her partner. He needs to clearly know when youre frustrated. A Taurus and Pisces friendship is warm, loving, and sweet. Thats strange coz am in deeply in love with Pisces man, I dont know if it Will happen or will last. Her tendency to submit and not dominate on her man, gives satisfaction to him, while his soft and friendly attitude giving space to her and makes her feel like a butterfly. We have been dating about 4 months now, and at first everything was great. But the Taurus woman is compassionate and has the common sense required to help him overcome it. WebPisces woman married to a Taurus woman, and have been together 14 years, married 8. How Long Does a Buffet Wedding Dinner Take? There is a lot of romance and ease when they are together. He has some trust issues we are slowly working past but I am glad to see that the things I say and do instinctively are just what he needs. Taurus and Pisces arguments are rare because both of these signs want to please each other and are highly non-confrontational. I want him but I want him to grow up. Need advice about your love life? I am a true Taurus and 100% loyal until the very end, my loyalty is my greatest asset. We are great at the love affair but not so good at personsl confrontation. Its not just about physically feeling pleasure but the feeling of deep love and affection. Keep ur standards to the sky. They usually response shorter, cos they avoiding confrontaion like taurus. We dont need much to be happy, we both love simple pleasures of life. The bull has no problem waiting patiently for "The One" to come along. They will have to make an effort to keep their sex life from becoming stagnant because they both find comfort in routine, but its nothing they cant work through together. Taurus Man Pisces Woman Love Compatibility Taurus Man Pisces Woman Love and Friendship Compatibility I too was with Taurus woman for 3 yrs. We talk so agressively towards one another but when we make up, it is excellent and we dont stay mad at eachother for very long at all. For 6 Steamy tips to turn on your Pisces man in bed, click here! But I did quickly have an online fling after we filed for divorce. My Pisces Man does work hard for his dollar. If the Taurus man and woman make a conscious effort to continue their growth as partners and individuals, there is nothing this couple cant achieve together.