I started dyeing my hair around 20 years old. Aveda Blonde Revival Purple Toning Shampoo 200ml. It's a must-read gray hair transition story! If you have wavy or curly hair, rock it! Without the constant use of chemicals, I am hoping that my hair will return to its original thickness. 10 Ways to Go Gray and Rock All the Way Through Transition I asked each of these glorious women to offer up any Words of Wisdom on going gray; they all had their own unique and silvery advice. I was thrilled and somewhat curious about how my real hair color would look. In those 3 years, Ive learned that nothing about who I am has changed. Never found someone to support my idea of going gray. Im not going to judge women who dye their hair or even dare to say that they are not being real or are not embracing who they are! Also a good check up, especially a thyroid test would be a good idea.Mari, After much soul searching Ive decided to go gray! Photo by Carolyn Simpson Hair by Donna Dellaero, Donna Hair Design. I was never really happy with that dark red color, and kept asking my hairdresser to tone it down, but she loved it with my skin tone and eyes. I was just SOOOO done with the cycle that I did not want to prolong it another day. I want to grow my hair out to grey so bad but I am terrified. Long story short, I went to my stylist and I explained to her that I would like to stop dyeing my hair and Id like to grow my greys out. I just chose to go gray cold turkey, no color corrections, no interfering in my natural grow-out process even if this surely wasnt the most stylish solution. The root hair around my face is snow white but the rest of my hair is white, gray and brown at the roots and the rest of it is the auburnish color plus blonde highlights and dark low lights, so its a mix of many colors right now. Now I am older and the contrast doesnt look as beautiful anymore. It's truly liberating! It will take a few more cuts to clear out all the old highlights, etc, but after 5 months, I have a head of beautiful grey hair with dark roots (all my own, no artificial color). I am so happy I came across it. How to go grey: Expert tips for transitioning to grey hair | body+soul I've been coloring every 2 to 3 weeks for over 20 yrs. This past 2-3 months has been a very good exercise in patience and humility. To give myself the opportunity to officially say goodbye. I'm now almost 43, and I'm about . Lisa is the founder of The New Knew. I will confess tho, that I have used the power for the back and top of my hair to break up the line I am however leaving the front, full coverage. I have been going through the process of thinking about stopping colouring for about a year and then suddenly I had a shift and felt strongly that I wanted to be a more authentic me. Going grey? My hairdresser lightened me up as well. I had an epiphany. My colorist has said when Im ready shell help me grow it out!! Hey, ladies! Its shiny & lovely after I color but that fades and then I need to color again. On average, hair grows half an inch a month. I stopped the colouring about 4 months ago and while I do like the silver/grey at 90% , I am still not used to seeing myself yet. But I keep telling myself it will grow again. . He looked me right in the eye and said, You should totally do it.. It was absolutely terrifying. I'm not sure how I'll deal with it when I start looking like a skunk, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Thanks. It happened 6 years ago, I was 42. i just turned 60 and am so tired of everything about it. Then 2 months later, toner, cut/ styled. The only upkeep required was toning her colored hair every 6-8 weeks to keep it appearing gray rather than yellow and, of course, regular haircuts. She was awesome and very helpful. Check it out. IT IS A LONG ROAD BACK ONCE YOU CAVE IN I KNOW!!!!! My Gray Transition: Month Two ~ Highlights and Toner I found myself looking at grey photos of women on the internet, I so loved the color. Go lighter. I knew I could save a lot of money by not doing color anymore, but, I didnt want a line she suggested we color my hair one more time, but go dark to match my natural brunette color, cut it pixie short and then wait one month and frost it (long enough to allow the roots to show so she could match and also so it was not over processed). I tried to look into this but my colored hair was too dark to lift to gray. I decided to ditch the dye at the age of 45 for a number of reasons. Required fields are marked *. IF I DO ANYTHING ELSE I WILL STICK WITH T HE WASH OUT GREY COLORS BY ROUX. sounds great, maybe I can suggest my hairstylist to do the same. maybe your stylist could highlight more towards the ends and less closer to the roots to blend into the gray? Thank you for reading my story. Something about turning 50 that made a shift in my psyche. QuickSilverHair.com content disclaimer: content is provided for general information purposes and should not be considered medical advice. WOW!!! I have never loved my hair more. Im determined and search Pinterest for inspiration. It was exciting to see how bright my silver was. December 9, 2021. In a nutshell; I have elbow length hair that has been colored and hennad since the 80s. What is the most expensive way to go gray? Guest contributor Denise ONeill shares her story on how to go gray. At that time, there really wasnt much out there. Do the Full Transition to Gray Hair your way. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Now I can say that going gray and loving it is a reality. The men in my family are a little harder to get through too. Im still young looking, but Im in my forties now. Your hair is gorgeous. I would have to say that after fretting and thinking about letting my natural silver shine for over 20 years, I finally made the choice to be free at the age of 50. Rock it! first and foremost healthy hair starts with a healthy diet. . Once I started, I found it very exciting to see my natural colors emerge. We agree that going gray does not mean not taking care of yourself. Anyone want to buy a few boxes of dye, cause Im never going back!! The cold turkey method involves letting your gray hair grow as it is without putting any effort. It is hard! Turned 50 this year and have lost some weight and just decided its time to be healthy and fit. Around the age of 45 she asked me, now, *why* do you only want highlights/lowlights instead of color? He concluded that: 'If someone decides to quit drinking abruptly, they will experience Delirium tremens. My mother died her hair up until she passed away and both of my sisters color as well. going gray before and after pictures here. Go Gray Cold Turkey - Gray Hair Transition YEAR 1! - YouTube My husband is very supportive of whatever I decide. I felt so free! I.m 49 and my friends say I.m too young to go grey. Scientists don't know exactly why some people go gray early, but genes play a large role. I may have a few highlights put in when I go for my cut next week. I was ready to take the plunge. 4. I have connected with so many ladies, and Im honored to call them my friends: Michele, Tina, Karen, Leanne, Sherry, Lashawnda and Ondine the list goes on and on! So how to go gray gracefully? I am so upset as I was just getting my hair into a nice bob length, all one colour, and now I have to start all over growing out my grey.arghhh. Going grey is most easily done cold turkey with a degree of humility. Sooo.tried it again and my stylist made the cocktail a little stronger and left it on longer.huge mistake! After three years of caring for my grays, these are the top 5 products I keep going back to and they are what I recommend for anyone going gray. We cut through the marketing B.S. all my best to you ladies out there who are going this route too- more power to ya! Anyone who has started going gray knows that this doesnt happen overnight; its a process that seems to take forever, and you have good and bad days. And I was a die-hard. For me, deciding to go grey was the outward manifestation of deciding to be real. I tried it: Going gray - NBC News Gray Pixie Haircuts. We cover everything from clean beauty to sustainablefashion to natural wine, organic mattresses and more. I do not want to cut my hair, but will trim over to process, and it will be a while I am sure. yes, our hair like our skin is aging with us. Now, Im not telling you this looking for sympathy, I tell you this because somewhere along my journey through this rollercoaster of life I felt that what Id been taught all those years ago just couldnt be true. My husband is 10 yrs younger and 80% gray. . The Surprising Thing About Going Gray Gloria SITE CREDIT. I started coloring my hair in between jobs a few years back to look younger for interviews, and I regret that decision. Haircut $80. "I went blonde because I started going gray when I was 23. What changed? Not all women have the guts to carry the two-toned hair for 15-20 months. It's great. Like so many of you, I am so happy to have found this blog! Firstly, I decided to get my hair cut short - it had been in a bob style. An Experiment in Going Gray | fullsoulahead.com I felt rebellious. Dallas isn't a city where you want to go out looking not great. My going gray journey. I was done! My decision was based on the fact that as I was getting older, I felt I did not look natural with brown hair. How To Survive Going Gray: The First Year: Tips, Tricks & HacksThis is everything I could think to say about my year of transitioning to gray. QuickSilverHair is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. A bit of color on your cheeks can add a rosy glow to your face. Ditching dye: How to go gray, gracefully - Hartford Courant COLD TURKEY: LONG HAIR. Groups like The Gray Book helped so much providing support and inspiration. In fact, the complexion gets darker and the skin gets tough. I patiently waited for it to grow, while keeping the overall length. I decided to stop coloring about 4 months ago because I estimated that I have spent around $27,600 on hair color over 26 years and, also, I hate that grow out skunk line at my part. i also look for products online too!! My only thing now is that I do relax my hair and my gray hair looks its best when it is just relaxed.