While he isn't afraid of hard work or great dangers, he does love to rest, take it easy and enjoy some delicious apple pie. It is rumoured he is in a romantic relationship with the famed supermodel Fleur de Lis, but he claims they are purely platonic friends. Naturally, the player will want to reach it as soon as possible. Wielding powers most can not even dream of, possibly the most powerful being on the planet, she has access to an even greater number of spells than her other path. Revolutionaries began to speak of an alternative system, where all are equal. Can only be activated if the game rule is turned on. Centuries passed, and Celestia rarely spoke of Luna's banishment and the times before it. It removes The Pentarchy national spirit and has a large bonus to recruitable population, later giving factories and reduced consumer goods. The center branch gives wargoals on Wittenland, Kasa and Austurland first, Gryphian Host second, and the rest of the River Coalition last. The left branch gives factories, an upgrade to your science base and another research slot. Real Stone Construction || Home. Real Estate Business in Salem, Tamilnadu. Viira wins!-Machine comes into power. She passes the rule to Ambrosius, the rightful king of machine gods or something. Note, however that killing Silver Star will decrease your resources, similarly to destroying Asinti's temple. She has a fierce, dominant temper and ensures cadet ponies under her command master the art of flying. The right path increases your scientific capabilities, granting two research slots, research bonuses and an upgrade to your scientific base. She accepted and in return the Storm King promised to restore her horn once he had gained enough magical power to do so. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. With the last focus you can pick the mayor, pick yourself (You become Generalissimo and get a new focus tree. View submissions made for community contests! Silver Star will be able to instantly deploy forces straight from creation, so taking advantage of his large ponypower pool is recommended. She owns a chain of fashion boutiques and is a well-known entrepreneur and clothing designer. Friendship is the foundation of Equestria and makes cooperation between unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies possible. Equestria has a variety of political and industrial focuses available to it. After some time, Cadence was installed as the leader of the Crystal Empire and safekept it along with her husband. At the end of the first year Princess Luna will propose a series of reforms to resolve the problem. Now that war has come, she has joined the army to defend her home and family and quickly climbed through the ranks. 2. The fascists can go nationalist, military rule or monarchist.). A wealthy businesspony, Filthy Rich has a monopoly on selling the delicious zap-apple jam which is produced only in Ponyville. why does anemia cause thrombocytosis 11 mai 2022 . Yet I never get a decision or focus to decide her fate and when I tag switch back to Equestria and reconquer the Empire, no dice. Asinti, a zebra once a slave, who communes with a power beyond the material realm and works to bring creatures from that realm into his own. ModDB page. Your generation has failed lets hope the next generation does not. The Equestrian Navy is respectable, notably including 37 ships, which include 5 Battleships, 3 Battlecruisers, 1 Heavy Cruiser, 3 Light Cruisers, 24 Destroyers, and 1 Aircraft Carrier. ), Have the social-democrats win and you get your focus tree (You are a social-democratic state, you can even work together with Equestria. A Bright Future will change your development to Modern Society. Prince of Equestria But now that war threatens Equestria, she is willing to step forth and aid the ponies who have accepted her. Now she is interested in heading a research department for developing healing megaspells, though some scientists in the group are curious about the more aggressive implementation of such magic. Trying to take on all three members is highly difficult and ill-advised, and it is recommended to have killed off at least 1-2 other members before igniting the reactor. Separated by distance and already overextended, Equestria declined to provide substantial assistance. Remain fascist and do the 'Delve Deep' focus. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, better known as Cadance, is another Alicorn Princess, though she began life as a Pegasus. This can be one of Barrad's main strengths, as they are incredibly powerful and can allow the country to catch up fast and punch far above its weight. The nobleponies however will eventually be reformed into a better template, but either way the Barradian army will need a major overhaul to fight its future enemies. Alongside Fast Clip, Whiplash is a drill instructor of the Wonderbolts. Disgruntled by the waves of change, avoiding the draft during the Lunar Civil War as a skilled metalworker, and seeing his fellow ponies striving to determine their own fates, he pulled together the support of the remaining old guilds, he joined the political scene on the platform to preserve the old harmonic order with the new methods of democracy. It cannot be removed otherwise unless the Solar Empire is formed. In her youth she was a regular unicorn filly and dreamt of enrolling in Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, but then an ursa minor attacked her and broke her horn. Equestria has been inhabited by ponies for thousands of years. Soarin is the second-in-command of the Wonderbolts, a team of expert pegasus fliers. Graced by their millenia-old wisdom, the ponies feel safe and protected. Barrad: a place of dark magic and mysterious curses, where even its name can strike fear into the hearts of creatures. OKAY WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS *Barrad Spoilers!* - reddit Dedicated to the life as an officer, with ambitions to match. The guide below will help you install the mod manually, if you wish to do so. If you want to trigger the event manually, then use the following ids: eaw_superevents.1 - 199. It will also actually allow you to hire advisors, design companies and high command again. Regardless, the completion of this chain will grant a variety of bonuses, greatly boosting Equestria's military strength and its ability to intervene elsewhere. Despite all this, she remains humble and prefers to spend time with her friends and family, or reading books in her vast library of the Ponyville Castle. The army tree is fairly generic, giving a choice between Mobile Warfare, Grand Battleplan and Superior Firepower doctrine, as well as research bonuses. Having done so will allow the special Clockwork Industry development status, which increases factory output and resource efficiency gain. Barrad Magocracy | Equestria at War Wiki | Fandom The first is forming the Grand County of Barrad, which will give +0.25% compliance gain and allow you to core Kasa and Gryphus, utilizing the war goal decision you get on them, with Gryphus' being if you chose the relevant focus in the first section. With the last focus you can pick the mayor, pick yourself (You get a new focus tree and create a technocratic state. However now she has fled the country and taken refuge in her homeland of Equestria. Once it had ended, with the support of his many brothers and sisters in arms, he took up a platform focused on the defense of future peace and harmony in this new, changed Equestria. Granny Smith is the oldest living member of the vast Apple family. Squarefic | Home Once that last focus is taken, the next segment will be unlocked. The lower half branches into two paths, with the left focusing on military modernization and doctrinal advancement, and the right granting a research slot, even more factories, resources and a way to fully remove the Outdated Industrial Sector development. What is the second southern war for Baltimare? Then, the Equestrian Civil War will truly begin. It provides an unpredictable variable which can seriously help or hinder you as you play. Friendships strained as the harmony of the village gave way to the chaos of the city and free market. HOI4: Equestria at War - The Barrad Magocracy: Leopold's Path - YouTube Puppet crystal empire as the Solar empire, Take a decision or event that appears to tagswitch (There are two paths, a benevolent path or the authoritarian path. ), Complete your new focus tree (In the end you shoot Grover VI and you get a new focus tree. This is another reason I love this mod, so full of secrets to discover & explore; I know some may find this spoiling the sense of discovery, but it's good that we can now find these secret paths and experience them rather than searching aimlessly. Examine the Situation is a prerequisite to assistance to the Crystal Empire, industrial focuses, and changeling defence. But more is happening here then meets the eye, with strange horrors and unnatural occurrences taking place every day. To successfully remove the spirit, Equestria must earn 4 reform points, using expensive reforms. At the behest of many of his fellows in the army, he reluctantly joined the rising democratic movement during an R&R period during the Lunar Civil War. A member of the Pie family, Limestone is Pinkie Pie's older sister. This spirit especially hurts Equestria's recruitable population and defence. A well educated and accomplished general from the Equestrian military, Prince Blueblood rode his popularity as a hero of Equestria and his traditionally inherited power as a prince through the elections and into his new role as the executive of the nation. Peace and Prosperity reigned, and the years grew into centuries. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Wittenland will move to reclaim Barrad in all paths, and the AI frequently manually justifies since they have claims on your land. Over the years, Count Ambrosius invited other like-minded creatures to join his court, free to pursue knowledge without ethical strings attached. Hailing from the wide, warm open plains of southwest Equestria, Maxos Eternal was part of the last generations of rural frontierspony and later a successful landowning rancher. He proved to be a capable and fair leader who turned down promotions to an officer several times. But slowly change began to stir. The air force tree is similar, granting free air bases and a choice between Strategic Destruction and Battlefield Support. Voices spoke in his head of dark magic, and he listened. The middle path both has army bonuses and industrial bonuses. Equestria at War is a Hearts of Iron IV mod that seeks to recreate the fantastical world of Equestria from the My Little Pony franchise, dimmed with a bleaker setting rife with both nuances and its own plentiful twists, such as the notion of industrialization, far-reaching corruption and an ample amount of political intrigue. No one knows his exact motivation, but he is already proving to be surprisingly competent, if a bit harsh. Have the syndicalists win and you get your focus tree (You are a syndicalist state and can be aggresive. Trigger events manually. Welcome to a New Campaign on the Channel! In the hands of a competent player who knows how it works, Barrad can turn from an irrelevant backward to a dominant power on Griffonia, especially if it is able to defeat the River Coalition. You can only form one or the other, so choose wisely. The hitchiker's guide to EAW secrets (A complete guide) The general guide for all secrets in EAW (for 1.9) Since the wiki with the spoilers got nuked, I have decided to make a list of every spoiler, how to get them and what they contain. If he considered Asinti and/or Silver Star enemies, they will be killed, but if they were considered friends than Leopold will allow them to become generals once more or act as advisors, which will be represented by national spirits. The Princes' attend the high class military academy in Canterlot, where they are trained to command armies in battle. Any tips on how to blitz equestria as the changelings so that I can get to the ELF without having changelings at the end of the tech tree waiting to nuke me? You need to create a stalemate. After a major war, ponies, shocked over the radical destruction and transformation of their peaceful life, will question the wisdom of the Princess's rule, and advocate democratic reform. Equestria at War Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. However, in these changing times, the fate of nations no longer rests upon shoulders of heroes, but politics and military might. ), Pick Hempstrand's Socialist Agrarian Party, Halfway through you'll get an event which gives you a new focus tree. Stable. Having tricked his soldiers and impressed him with his combative personality, the Storm King offered her the vacant position of second-in-command. Dread league spoilers im mad I didnt get the ending event. However, in these changing times, the fate of nations no longer rests upon shoulders of heroes, but politics and military might. Not only that, but any state you control that doesn't already have the Barrad Climate modifier can be given it, which also gives an instant 30% compliance. ), You'll get an event 'Maar Beckons' (You get a new focus tree and become the archon of maar. Together, these creatures form the Pentarchy, the masters of Barrad. These decisions will also be reflected in the Toll of War, an item in the decision tab that measures the psychological impact of the war on Celestia, and Equestria's attitude towards militarism. ), Play as the changelings, conquer Equestria and release Manehattan, Do all focuses, you should get a new focus tree by event to find the mane six (You basically create a harmonic constitutional monarchy under Twilight. Leopold Schmeller, a sickly griffon from the Herzland who believes that technological enhancement replacing flesh would allow Griffonia to thrive through the leadership of mechanical demigods. There, Nightmare Moon will attempt to seize control and start a civil war as the Lunar Empire. Ambitious creatures from all over the world came to join him, but only four rose above the rest. Behind the scenes, her alter ego Nightmare Moon will attempt to prepare for, and provoke, a civil war. Sense of duty, greed, boredom, in the end all they accomplish is ruining a few parties. ), The duke will declare martial law (You will get a new focus tree where you disband parliament, restore order and honour the legacy of Grover. With the power of their love, Shining Armour and Cadence managed to thwart the invasion and repelled the Changeling forces out of the country. Building up power and influence, one day he finally made his move. Otherwise, it works similarly to the Fallen Pentarchy path: working to secure Barrad against its enemies. Rainbow Dash is the Element of Loyalty and a full member of the Wonderbolts, a team of flight experts. I don't think this list mentioned Cyanolisia or Gryphian Host. An alternative is simply killing off your soon-to-be enemies before the fight even begins, to make it easier or even prevent it entirely. However, Equestria starts with a 70% discount to Fighters, allowing it to quickly begin Fighter I production. However, the bulk of the new army will be made up of Leopold's invention: The Clockworks. Do all the focuses and conquer all the territories so you can do the focus A Grateful World. Biographies for all five members are available by pressing Ctrl + P to open the Pentarchy menu. Barrad starts with 15k ponypower deployed, consisting of 7 infantry divisions, 6 of which are only 2-width noblepony groups. It seems she knows much about the rapid warfare tactics used by her kind in Zebrica, and can teach much to our mobile units. Adept in the arts of crossing rivers and constructing field fortifications. It is only natural after all. Steam Workshop::Equestria at War - Steam Community Never again. If Equestria is losing a defensive non-civil war (>10% surrender) with a major, it can recruit militias from 5 regions for 40 political power each. When Hempstrand is confronted he simply does not intervene. Career Officer Supported Languages include English and Russian.Also available on ModDB. Released in July 2017, Equestria at . History fell into myth, myth spun into legends. Any country with the same original tag as. Wait a year or two until you get the 'Whispers of the Shadows' event, Just do the events and you'll see (A balrog will appear from the darkness and if you do the wrong choices the state will be evacuated and you lose all factories in it aswell as military acces. Asinti's trait means that you will gain absolutely no manpower from conquering these territories through compliance, so be cautious with your ponypower early on. Cookie Notice One of Equestria's foremost experts on trenches, Thunderbolt Sentinel knows how to hold the line. Buffalo Relations is a path to integrate and develop the southern regions of Equestria, but requires a resolution to the buffalo tensions You will be given a first and second opportunity to resolve the situation with the buffaloes peacefully. The community subreddit of Equestria at War, a My Little Pony inspired mod for the video game Hearts of Iron 4. Can the Pentarchy unravel the secrets behind this tainted land, or will they fall to infighting and betrayal first? Neighsay is strict and conservative, preferring to do things by the EEA guidelines. Equestria At War 1.8.3 "In the Shadow of Mountains - Mod DB You will also make the former Pentarchy members undead generals, with Asinti and Leopold being available if they remained alive by the end of the Viira fight. She lives as a hermit, keeping to her zebra traditions. The majority of the decision tab, though, is filled up with the other four members. Their achievements in defeating Discord, King Sombra, Lord Tirek and other terrors have become legendary. This gives additional manpower, although it decreases the population in those regions. As a determined warrior, he advocates relentless and decisive attacks to crush the resistance of the enemy. We offer end-to-end services on all real-estate related needs with full guidance on each process including legal advice, monitoring and tracking progress and step-by-step updates. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You can raid nations. Prince Blueblood is a distant nephew of Princess Celestia and thus belongs to the royal family. She is a reliable pony, but doesn't talk much and focuses on her duty. ), Complete the 'Pilgrimage To Magehold' focus, Complete the eventchain, might take several tries. Grimhoof is a high-ranking member of the Cloudsdale Royal Legion. There are also Thestrals (also referred to as Batponies), who are night-dwelling cousins to the Pegasi, and are occasionally considered the fourth equine race. Having it above 70 can provide a positive national spirit as well as new available options, but having it drop below 30 can give a mixed national spirit and result in unforeseen consequences. Installation: 1. Barrad: a place of dark magic and mysterious curses, where even its name can strike fear into the hearts of creatures. How do I unlock Twilight as a leader? Her leadership and organization skills means she would do an excellent job at guiding the magical research department, and she is excited to take the job, even if it means she has to temporarily step down as the headmare of the School of Friendship. Each segment is self-contained, and focuses in it can only be taken if the last focus of the segment is not yet completed. Check the Pentarchy Window (CTRL+P) for detailed backstory and information on each member. Maintain the Status Quo helps with Yakyakistan and Olenia, providing Equestrian influence to launch a coup in Olenia and an envoy to Yakyakistan that will allow a guarantee, and eventually allow you to call them into a defensive war. Ever since she has a reputation of being second to none when it comes to naval warfare, especially at night. Barrad does not start in a good situation in 1007. He's regarded as the most important pony in the capital alongside the Princesses, and indeed wields considerable influence. Agent Sweetie Drops, whose undercover alias is Bon Bon, who recently rejoined the monster-hunting agency of S.M.I.L.E. However, you must also prevent the fight between the Pentarchy and Viira when the reactor starts. It is fast and provides quick bonuses, hinging around simply having too large an army for the River Coalition to fight. Her magical talent is extremely impressive, yet whenever she faced grave dangers and threats, it was friendship that saved her. Instead of being shown all at once or loading in entirely new trees, instead it just continues downward whenever a "segment" of the tree is finished. Life is peaceful, slow and mostly uneventful. Could you please explain why your flair changes to something (usually vaguely sexual) every little while? equestria at war barrad guide - heysriplantations.com Formerly known as Tempest Shadow, Fizzlepop Berrytwist was the second-in-command of the Storm King himself. Finally, his knowledge as a general gives his pragmatic administration great insight into the military and the defensive needs of the nation, essential in the torn and chaotic modern world. While she lives in rural Ponyville, she admires the urban elite of Canterlot and emulates them whenever possible, but never forgets her roots. Press J to jump to the feed. This tree leads to a variety of new capabilities - new generals, new command staff and advisers, and new decisions unlocked to change your conscription laws and making it possible to change economic laws instantly. Now that war is on our doorstep, perhaps we can give him a more serious duty to fulfill. This can be a research boost or malus, increased or decreased relations between Pentarchy members, and more. COMPREHENSIVE. See the Solar Empire page for further information on playing as the Solar Empire. ), Once you're finished with the decisions you'll get an event (Erebus will step down and restore democracy. Demon Nation, Leopold Ascension-Giant Mecha-Bird makes a mecha-nation. However, this age of expansion and victory would not last. Always increase fascist popularity so he wins the battle. ), Make sure your army has extreme influence and low loyalty, Eventually the army will do a coup (You will get a small focus tree where you close the nation and the last focus gives you the generic focus tree again. Nopony has experienced war since time immemorial. The Non-aligned will start a civil war. WT: 2.0 Size: MEDIUM The First Equestrian British war II started in 1885 where the British empire tries to conquer Equestria to become part of their colony but failed due to that Equestria has powers to defeat the British. The majority of Leopold's tree is about rapidly industrializing Barrad into a powerhouse for its size, especially if you chose Clockwork Factories in the previous tree before powering the reactor. This Admiral has a knack for giving the right quote to the right person. This general will go out of his way to talk to the media and will always try to be in the limelight. Hearts of Iron 4: Equestria at War: The RPG: The Movie 12 Zfighter219 Big Sister is watching you 2 yr. ago Part 2: electric bogaloo 3 RexDraconum Griffon 2 yr. ago I honestly thought this was going to be the bullshit event that instantly makes you harmonic Barrad with the generic tree if you get high relationship with all the pentarchs.