For the record, we thought youshould see what the Scottish Parliament considers to be the appropriate treatment of an Urgent Question. Terence A Wildey Other occupants: 24 February, 2021 at 7:26 pm I watched the whole thing live. Joan Hutchesons expos of the failures relating to the NEC and the leaderships response to attempts to change it are all of a piece with the conspiracy against Salmond. Boris is spending money like Scottish water! 24 February, 2021 at 5:55 pm, Im wondering if there is any other link between Nicolas office and the copfs which would allow Lord Wolffe to say I didnt touch it. So, Angus places the lotion in the basket? Nicola and Liz get to hear about this. Very interesting link Hautey, hopefully Salmond will now be able to tell all. Or they might simply refuse to answer, YET AGAIN. Her concerns were unfounded, they said. The work of Tommy H- Unnamed Male Mechanic - Died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Its surely got to the point that the party is part of the problem, not part of the solution. The first time I was convener, we did inquiries we even did our own Act of Parliament. Paul Wynn Jan. 12, 2023. Obviously they could see what was happening with the flawed processes some time ago. Im not prepared to make any commitment just now until I see what happens up and through Stage 2 When we were talking about corroboration before we even had the legislation, I said the jury is out to use that awful expression Im not convinced. Remember, there were two justice committees at one time; I opposed that, I thought it was [a] nonsense and it didnt cure things, it just meant more legislation came through and that was with a Liberal/Labour government, so it doesnt matter who is in. No worries it was obvious you were not aware, so happy to help. (S6O-01939)", Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): "I will quote a business in my constituency. Jackie Baillie did at least try to get a straight answer from the slimy slippery Wolffe, but to no avail. Jackie Baillie: When a leader shows contempt for the people he/she is supposed to represetn, then it is time for that reign to end. SNP ROTTEN AT THE TOP silence is no defence. Walter James Wolffe, Her Majestys Advocate, known as the Lord Advocate, Alison Di Rollo, Solicitor General for Scotland, Who else is in the frame as a seniur profesional prosecutor apart from the now notorious, and named by Jackie Bailey, Obfuscation in parts and unconvincing. Log In. Sciences regresses as Galileos telescope goes unused again. Christine Grahame was born on 9 September 1944 in Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England, to a Scottish father and English mother. Bring it on. Bet ya,, WhoRattledYourCage says: They want to support their sister. With the absolute disaster that was redactiongate on Tuesday I dont think even the MSM could overlook things from now on. If all these people in Holyrood are as fkn dumb as the ones I have seen over the last few weeks fk me I am up for a place in that fkn Circus whats not to like Free Money for talking shite , Christ my wife says I talk shite every day but I dont get payed lots of cash for it , How do I apply only drawback might be the swearing but I guess I will get used to it l. Does Nicola Sturgeon wear false eye-lashes? Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Result 54 for, 64 against, 0 abstained, 11 did not vote, Submitted by: Tom Arthur, Renfrewshire South, Scottish National Party. Younger MSPs who are often very tribal on first taking up seats on the SNP and Labour benches will lose that following time on the committees, she says. What is going on. At the 2021 Scottish Elections I was honoured to be again re-elected as the MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale constituency. The press are already waiting anxiously. Grousebeater mentioned that there was a new party in the offing yesterday on twitter. View the map. It has crossed my mind that Mulholland may have been playing a long game. To date, the case [for abolition] has not been proven beyond reasonable doubt, she says. The thread hands up if youre totally corrupt, wasnt a license to talk about the alphabet women. The only thing too wee too poor and too stupid about our country, it seems, is the bulk of the political class in it. They must be terrified. Even winning is losing as the costs are huge, and the time you never get back. Was this man given parliamentary privilege meaning that he could effectively be lying and never risk contempt of parliament? However I believe she was also gaslighted by British State plants whom she thought were her friends, within the SNP and Scottish Government Civil Service apparatus who no doubt reinforced the #BelieveHer messaging which followed and reinforced #MeToo in late 2017 and into 2018 until this day. Stand Fast! Christine Grahame. Thankfully in this case there WAS no message. I have always contacted Stue to make him aware, so he could take my post down. And one post in particular seems to suggest that she is no shrinking violet. Billions on Englands High Speed Railway The Crown Office appears to be doing a great job of bringing it into disrepute. We have shared heroes and deeply intertwined histories too. to pay off. In the 2011 Scottish Parliament election, Grahame won the redrawn seat of Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, defeating former Liberal Democrat finance spokesman Jeremy Purvis. It can be strange, what you find on Tinternet. The reason being that while we are understandably nervous it detracts from the message. [8] During the COVID-19 pandemic, she went into self isolation as someone over 70 years old and therefore at more risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms. I have been privileged to represent the people of Midlothian and the Borders for 22 years in the Scottish Parliament. I didnt like the manner of it and I made that plain, she says. I am a genetic counseling graduate student with more than 15 years of professional experience in molecular and public health laboratories. Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): Official Report: what was said in Parliament, Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs), Scottish National Party Leadership Election, Scotlands Hospitality and Brewing Sector, Local Government Finance (Scotland) Order 2023 [draft], Eddleston Water Project Named UNESCO Ecohydrology Demonstration Site, Congratulations to John McOwan, Chevalier (Knight) of the Legion dHonneur, Asda Extends Cost of Living Support in Cafs and Blue Light Discount, Penicuik Athletic and Football Strips for Malawi. Fair point about Christine Grahames tremor, but in that film with her nodding YES, it was quite clearly well controlled, voluntary and given in agreement to Wolffes waffle at trying to STITCH UP ALEX SALMOND AGAIN. If you want justice in this country fuck lawyers, HIRED THUGS are cheaper, more reliable, and amazingly, more honest. Lord James Wolffe in particular should be utterly ashamed. Even the most pathetic softball questionfrom the suddenly-ubiquitous slimy Sturgeon superloyalist Tom Arthur appeared to disconcert him, as hehesitantly waffledwithout actually answering it perhaps because he didnt want to endorse Arthurs flat-out lie that previous Lord Advocates have alwaysbeenmembers of Cabinet. No, nobody uses Christine except Christine, and possibly my cats, and possibly, when Im not paying attention, my brother, who can always lead me astray and then I get the blame but then hes been doing that since I was three. I think that the role of backbenchers and the role of people like me is to, in a way, hold your party to account a little bit at times; [though] not to freelance, because Im very loyal to the Scottish National Party and to independence Whereas in here, it may seem a bit [contentious], theres fewer of us. I thought Id kept it but in my technophobe world I hadnt. I can remember Malcolm Chisholm coming out in favour of minimum unit pricing against the whole of the Labour benches. Sturgeons statement that because you are found not guilty, that doesnt mean you are innocent will come back to haunt her. Will we get any extra or just 10% of Englands debt again? If so, she has a neurological condition called Benign Essential Tremor. With pressure, and a slow increase in the number of charges, the police did open an inquiry. There are new readers here, brought by MSM mentions, who arent aware of whats been going on over the past few years. Others seem to be saying I have hit the nail on the head. She can really be really effective when she needs to. And I know I have spoken to people about that whove been in those circumstances. Now, I may be wrong, but arent a lot of the Scottish legal profession pals of Murdo and the watp crowd. Im wondering, as we all know the redactions are no such thing. About. Two weeks later, the dog was put down after biting someone. His performance was an outrage. full marks to Jackie Baillie for making him look shifty and evasive, Well done Jackie you are wasted in the Labour party, Ian Spruce says: It beggars belief.. A shepherd's daughter, her father travelled for work, so her formal education was limited. Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage. 6,096 Posts, Have some respect & consideration for Stuart. Billions for English Flood Defences So she did. Has no one mentioned to them, their cover up has not worked? The Crown raises issues and concerns in any case in which it apprehends that a contempt may take place. We should expect those in whom we have placed our trust to protect above all else the constitution and the structures that protect us from tyranny. Now those responsible for applying that kind of pressure to someone who served their country with verve and skill, these people finally are being seem for what they are and what they tried to do i.e. Nobody had th gumption to ask about the professionalism professional prosecutors who mount malicious prosecutions by their own admission and political prosecutions by any objective estimation. His hands are so bleached by the dye of this evidence Im surprised he doesnt glow during the day let alone at night. I hope to work in the public health field. Breeks says: I think the comment Roddy Macdonald says: is spot on. She will not consider quitting.. Date lodged: Tuesday, February 28, 2023, Supported by: Paul Sweeney Another shite performance under what can only be described as polite questioning .I hope that someone wasnt paid public money to coach him It is perhaps time that untidy bastard Wolffe did some poridge. From what Ive read, over the past couple of months, the first complaint/issue was raised by Ms H (criminal trial). If she walks, her career in politics is over. TNS2019 says: 24 February, 2021 at 5:37 pm Democracy is fragile. Its the current manifestation of Scottish government thats the problem here, not so much the Scottish Parliament as an institution. One of Grahame's first actions as an MSP in 1999 was to set up a Cross Party Group to support the work of public petitions on the re-establishment of the Borders Railway[11] which had been closed in 1969 during the controversial Beeching cuts. Think about it. The Lord Advocate: This website contains useful information including details on how to contact me as well as local surveys and information. [citation needed]. Somebody needs to tell those Brit Nat Press and Media whores that Salmond is no longer a member of the SNP for one. The fact that unionists are making the running on a lot of this doesnt mean the principle is wrong. Find out how to adopt this simple step into your daily oral health regimen. Too many people know! Fundamentally, what is at issue is an order by the High Court handed down to protect the anonymity of complainers. Gave me a few good sniggers. We all know what the original submission said before COPFS nobbled it. She has served on the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body since May 2021.[1]. How many people are sitting in Scottish jails due to malicious prosecutions? Christine Grahame's office in Galashiels Grahame joined the Scottish National Party in 1970. Christine is related to Terrence Davis Graham and Ronald J Szypajlo as well as 3 additional people. So I waited until I heard the evidence and I still wasnt convinced. Something happening all right. What are Christine M. Graham's areas of care? Extra Billion bribe for the DUP in N Ireland So maybe their questioning wasnt as lame as it might appear. The same Liam Fox that took his un-vetted mate all over the place on Government business? The other thing that distracted me was her mouth. I appreciate he will not be questioned directly on it & if he sidestep into the redacted area LF will try to silence him. Ive tried to see the issue from all sides. ?If youre a man, youre the last man. . Grahame, a veteran having been through four parliamentary elections, says she has never held ministerial ambitions and has never felt her freedom to speak up curtailed. Who does he report to now & is it waffle himself? It would be the same tactic (described by Chomsky) used against the NHS and welfare state. BrianDTT is not being facetious or cryptic it is just old information that old wingers knew about but cannot be elaborated on, Garavelli Princip says: Rumour of good news imminent on Twitter anyone got anything concrete?? This website is using cookies. This really is the sort of thing the CIA gets up to in South America. Christine Grahame is a famous Scottish politician. At the 2021 Scottish Elections I was honoured to be again re-elected as the MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale constituency. makes his spout bull shit until those present are comatose. In 1984, she graduated from the Edinburgh University again, but this time with a Bachelor of Laws degree. Rev, you have to be the hardest working Investigative journalist in the uk. Im sure he can throw money about and just mark it down as Covid Costs. And now its going to be the gift that keeps on giving. He was reasonably composed until he hit the point about not seeking to limit the evidence blah blah about 15.57.20. Using her married name, Christine Creech, she was the SNP candidate at the 1992 General Election for Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale. A week or two at the tops @jeggit Jason Michael. The one thing I will say though is that Ms Grahame seems very much like my mum theres nothing going to keep her back. These are the questions that this MSP has asked in Parliament. Really? Lodged 3 May 2018 The dirty infiltrators must be removed even if it hurts. The world is closed. At the 2021 Scottish Elections I was honoured to be again re-elected as the MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale constituency. Could she not have taking a few copies of Alex Salmond statements and asked the lord advocate ( after handing him a copy) which part named the alleged victim to which he wanted removed? anyhoo, that`s why Saudi nationalised their oil , so all profits stay in Saudi. Politicians speak words as nebulous as candy floss as people greedily consume them. He cannot be seriously expecting us to believe that being the head of COPFS and his neck on the line on this that he did not scrutinised that letter in detail before it was handed over to the committee. The only thing going south is the taxation on the sale of the oil. He had the look to me of someone that knew they were in a hole and was desperately trying not to dig any further. Following his discussion from his legal team, AS is a smart, knowledgeable & courageous man. I read that, looked at it and my gut instinct was to say, THATS A BLOKE. He previously served from 2011 to 2016 as Lord Advocate, one of the Great Officers of State of Scotland and the countrys chief Law Officer, and as Solicitor General, the junior Law Officer.[3]. Biology, B.A. Fearful of losing the judicial review, a second front is opened. A question by Liam Fox, answered by the Speaker. She has let us down beyond all reasonable measure. Couldnt be bothered with what I know is going to be shite spouting all the way. Did he also said that is really for the Committee to make the decision about what to publish, or did I just imagine it? I dont know what her alliances are but I have heard her speak of her condition. 24 February, 2021 at 6:37 pm, Even more interesting is this bit from Craigs site There is one extra thing in Aberdeins suppressed evidence which is not in his trial evidence. This is without doubt one of the weakest performances I think Ive ever seen by a senior member of the legal profession. By this time next week, I expect Nicola Sturgeon to be gone and the reputation of Scotland internationally demands this happen now. what a shifty cunt he licks his lips like a serial killer in a movie. Date lodged: Monday, February 27, 2023, Supported by: Richard Lochhead, Ivan McKee, Lorna Slater, John Swinney As Rev suggested, there was this man who is allegedly an expert in court, always on his brief and quick with his digging for the truth (maybe). See previous para. I simply will not thole such dishonesty in my Partys officials, not under any circumstances. Billions for new nuclear weapons Shes beneath contempt. I note that the Lord Advocate did not answer any of my previous questions. An array of evidence is compiled. The *timing* of Wolffes 2016 appointment and subsequent insertion into Cabinet meetings makes a lot of sense. Grahame nodding YES had NOTHING to do with the tremor which presents in a completely different way. 24 February, 2021 at 10:03 pm, @ Brian Doonthetoon says: Social . on the fake Scottish news? But honestly still have no idea how this is all going to end (yet). This is beyond a joke, what I seen from Mrs Murrell in the covid briefing was appalling. Grahame ran for Depute Leader of the Scottish National Party in the 2004 leadership election, but was defeated by Nicola Sturgeon. Wolffe failed to answer the most basic point: the Clown Office causing redaction of awkward questions to Nicola Sturgeon and hiding behind his bosses fake virtual signal excuse but were protecting the wummin. Ms Grahame was in Holyrood yesterday, but she has maintained a steadfast silence on the issue so far, insisting that she would not comment on anybody's private life. The Government shouldnt produce so many bills. Pull your head in guys & gals. Big Jock says: Yup. That arse wipe Spear on Twitter has just accused Alex Salmond of a abuse of Power where is yer evidence Mr Spear it is a mister isnt it ? 24 February, 2021 at 9:36 pm Did the letter even go across the Lord Advocates desk before it was issued? And intriguingly it seems the Crown Office will soon have another opportunity to obstruct the committees work: Hopefully that one will be less of a damp squib. Now we learn that they were instructed by the Lord Advocate, or by something acting through the offices of the Lord Advocate, to make their statements to the police. Facebook gives people the. I simply could not have put it any better at all. I know when Bill Aitken chaired justice, he moaned that they had no time for inquiries and over the years, the Justice Committee has less and less time to do them. Someone leaks the report to the Daily Record. The pile of evidence is growing so fast that it will take Poirot Sherlock Holmes and miss Marples to get to the bottom of who did what and who authorized it .The scary thing is some of not all will escape any form of prosecutions and some will stay in positions of responsibility in the event of any outcome Thank you. However, I doubt the SP will do so. This is what makes me especially uneasy for the future of independence. Q. It emerged yesterday Christine Grahame, SNP MSP and convenor of the committee, has been accused by a former employee of making sectarian remarks about colleagues, including members of her own. This is a singular event which possibly no-one else in Scotland could have managed. Oh good, Guardian columnists. Craig Murray is offering a 25,000 reward for a whistleblower to supply him with a copy of Geoff Aberdeins testimony. Then ISP or AFI only on the list. To Parliament. This is then updated with any changes they provide. Ah didnae dae it! a quick thought, quote taken from a commentor on guido. In this election, she increased her majority to 6,826. The same goes more or less for the High Courthow many of us could have withstood that kind of pressure? You know how we are supposed to forget the 100 sheer Where is he now? Find out how to adopt this simple step into your daily oral health regimen. It takes neck of a particularly dodgy brass to claim the COPFS is formed by professionals when he was forced recently to tender an apology (although many thought it should be his resignation) because those professionals have costed us tens of millions of pounds in malicious prosecutions. Dr. Christine Graham, MD is a Pediatrics Specialist in Tucson, AZ and has over 17 years of experience in the medical field. How the fuck did all this horrifying madness happen? The Bill was approved in principle by 64 votes to five, with 57 abstentions, including Grahame. So hasnt he just said something that will aid jigsaw identification for a lot more people who dont follow Wings or Craig Murray? Sturgeon wont resign. Its nothing to worry about. Keep on going even though told they will lose by their own briefs. If that was the case, they would have not deleted entire paragraphs. So *was* Geoff a complainant? She contested Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale at the 2003 and 2007 elections, coming within 1,000 votes of victory on both occasions and being subsequently elected on the regional South of Scotland list. Thatll be the harassment + abuse that the Jury determined didnt happen! Since we have been in Union (if perhaps unequal) for 300 years, its different. Alex must be proud that you are all out there fighting his corner. Spanish, University of Nevada, Reno; 2006, M.D., University of Nevada School of Medicine The Lord Advocate sound an old and honourable title. Although she was unsuccessful, she was elected as an additional member of the South of Scotland region. They think theyre Franklin D. Roosevelt when actually theyre just lucky. The vultures are circling overhead! A fishing expedition ensues. Sturgeon, youve been found out. ", Asked by: Grahame, Christine, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 18 January 2023, "To ask the Scottish Government when it last spoke to NHS Lothian and NHS Borders. But the animal is not Alex Salmond. SCOTLANDS prosecution service is to be ordered to release material Alex Salmond claims will show he was the victim of a high-level plot to destroy him. He is a government minnister, he is also the head of the Clown Office. Christine Grahame, MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, came out on top with her one-year-old hound Mabel, but the politician was humble in victory. A Great Man among the political tiddlers in Holyrood. Im sure Mzzzzzz Sturgeon would agree. So sad that some people here are crossing the line in what they post. Only explanation that fits his response. Probably wouldnt now though. You see how important Ms 2 and Ms 3 are to the plot. Im knackered just reading about it. It is/was an exercise to tell certain people, including Craig Murray, To shut the f*ck up! Absolutely no answers, & of course I heard no explanation about the need to actually redact. Maximum damage to the reputation of Alex Salmond. Hopefully more MSPs and such like call for this before & after the election. As for covert operatives, the case of Mark Kennedy comes to mind. This site requires JavaScript for certain functions and interactions to work. The other problem I have is the assertion that the redacted evidence is necessary to protect the anonymity of the conspirators, but when comparing the full text with the redacted version, this is patently untrue. She passes the dossier to the police, who refuse it. Her first experience of higher education two decades earlier had been something of a daunting experience. In February, MSPs on the committee refused to endorse Scottish Government plans to scrap the centuries-old requirement of corroboration. This site is the glue that holds us all together. Is this the one we know about, from Lady Dorrian? Al-Megrahi was a desperate man, but I believe there are other desperate men and women - in the US Justice Department and in Whitehall, - all with their own reasons for wanting that appeal to . The old grow lonelier, as the young forego their youth and grow lonelier still. It is not a universal feature, though, she suggests. It doesnt augur well for the perspicacity of the parliament or its committee that no-one asked the killer question: By insisting on post publication redaction of paragraphs which name only one woman other than the FM, will the professional and independent law officer involved, who allegedly acted without the approval of the Lord Advocate, be prosecuted for contempt of court by effectively identifying a complainant? The harrassment enquiry was the lead item on ITV news at 10 tonight. Join Facebook to connect with Christine Graham and others you may know. Will AS give evidence & not give a jot about the redactions. Billions on new Chinese Nuclear plant for England Thats what used to go on in Clarence House in the good old days. [14] Councillors had approved a 6m purpose built visitor centre at Tweedbank Railway Station, however Grahame contested that the business case was flawed and persuaded Scottish Government ministers to investigate this further before releasing the funding required to create it. He did tell me things I can't discuss with you. 24 February, 2021 at 7:08 pm. Christine Graham, MSW is a Social Worker in Long Beach, CA. Was that why the Lord Advocate took care to stress that he did not draft the letter, and that senior prosecutors act autonomously? Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): "No strikes. Isnt that what lady Dorian said too?, Scotland also has the highest proportion of probationers under supervision for offences against persons in all of Europe., The number of people in prison is predicted by the Ministry of Justice to rise further, as sentence lengths and custody rates continue to increase.. She announces that the report will be put on the record, meaning it is available under FOI How many of those cases brought were also malicious? Still, the sight of parliaments justice committee convener, who spent 12 years as a civil court lawyer, openly criticising senior leadership, must have been a boon to opponents. Did anyone ever tell you what a hard-working, honorable and honest man you are Mr Wings. It is my understanding that the current Loard Advocate apologised for the Malicious Prosecutions fiasco, even though he inhereted the mess from the previous Lord Advocate, who got promoted for it, or something like that! Is Lord Wolffe incompetent, I have no idea. Previous roles in cross-party groups are not included in this list. It all happens after Fridays Fabiani Committee Meeting with Salmond and Mondays with Wolffe. Whether she has actually nodded in the video, I am not sure because I have not watched it. The second best result is Christine Anne Graham age 50s in Brighton, MI. Are your links related to the cryptic Twitter message others have linked to, in which a chap called Jason Michael says something very big is about to happen in Scottish politics? Wolffe also appeared to be reading all his answers from his folder. That was Christine Grahame, and although I agree she did appear to be in accordance with Wolffe, Grahame, I think, suffers from Parkinsons. Re Christine Grahame dont know much about her but I do about parkinsons. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Has she felt other parties have tried to capitalise on it? Its bubbling up. Top of the News. That would have been a better way of doing it because there are important things in this Bill about early release, about questioning, they have all got kind of lost., Process aside, the SNP backbencher was far from impressed by Kenny MacAskills misjudged closing remarks in which he suggested opposition to the proposal bore links to the independence referendum. Tuesday we take the wheelie bins out.. Apart from that, Im sure the superior intellect and years of sword-crossing with genuine political heavyweights will ensure Mr Salmond has more than a few aces up his sleeve I expect Scotlands former First Minister to take Sturgeon to the cleaners. We know the media works on Salmond v Sturgeon, and it aint gonna change. To unpack that a littlein August 2018 AS successfully crowdfunded for the legal fees to petition the Court of Session for judicial review of a manifestly biased (a now widely-held opinion) civil service procedure,in which his petition was successful in January 2019, however there were no guarantees here. There is no question now but we are in a major constitutional crisis. MSPs must provide details of their financial interests in the Register of Interests. [21], A few days after the dropping of Megrahi's appeal against conviction and his release on compassionate grounds on 20 August 2009, Grahame wrote an op-ed article for The Independent saying she is convinced of his innocence: "He is not a saint, of course he had a history with Libyan intelligence but his hands are clean over Lockerbie."[22].