However, the Ser-Drama-Lagadin-Nevrokop dialect in northeastern Greece and southern Bulgaria and the Maleevo-Pirin dialect in eastern Macedonia and western Bulgaria are transitional between Bulgarian and Macedonian. Polish Ukrainian Mutually Intelligible? | Animals - YouTube Intelligibility between languages can be asymmetric, with speakers of one understanding more of the other than speakers of the other understanding the first. I just didnt realize that when you talked about learning the other language you were actually referring to the errors inherent in doing a non-virgin ears MI study, and not conflating language learning with mutual intelligibility. In my experience, its quite easy. And if you're perhaps a polyglot or linguaphile looking for a new challenge, then maybe learning a bit of Mandarin, Urdu, or even Persian might just be up your alley! Slovenian while it sounds slavic to me is not intelligible at all save for a few words here and there. Polish is the most incomprehensible Slavic language for other Slavs, both spoken and written. Other then that difference is in grammar and accent. English professor. I believe I must confess that as a Czech, I understand only little, what the Macedonian reporter is saying, and when I was listening to the first guy from Bosnia (Izetbegovi), I was often lost, understanding only slightly more, maybe 20-30%. Problem is the spoken form, as Bulgarians dont speak as it is written, which is the case with serbian or croatian. Im a speaker of Torlakian Serbian characteristically closer to Macedonian than Standard Serbian, having three (nom/acc/voc) cases and using a fusional instead of an analytic past tense and, with regards to a certain comment made two years ago on here, can, without issue, understand Zona Zamfirova, a movie about life in Ottoman Ni, without any subtitles. Despite a lot of commonality between the dialects, the differences between them are significant. Like rano i utro or kanapa dywan kawior. Here are the estimates about inteligebility with other Slavic languages from a person thats fluent in Slovenian and Serbo-Croatian: True MI testing does try to find virgin ears that have heard little of the other language and speak little or none of it. Ponaszymu appears to lack full intelligibility with Czech. There was a lot of past Yugoslav politics that hid the truth. Some say that West Palesian is actually a separate language, but the majority of Belarussian linguists say it is a dialect of Belarussian (Mezentseva 2014). America paid us to hand over al-Qaeda suspects 2 Ukrainian Phrasebook And Dictionary Paperback 1-03-2023 Mutually Intelligible? A Serbian friend of mine was estaunished to see how some Macedonian celebrities speak Serbian on the TV without accent. Conclusion: Subtitles are absurd when 99% of the audience can already understand whats going on. Portuguese has varying degrees of mutual intelligibility with Spanish, Galician, French and Italian. In Linguistics, this MI stuff is noncontroversial. I was born in Upper State and I can barely understand some southern speakers.Do you think the politics in USA is also preventing the formation of new languages ? Im Slovenian, my mother tongue is Slovenian, however I have also learnt Serbo-Croatian from a very early age. The unintelligibility is only due to the manner of speaking and not because of lexical and/or grammatical differences. There is as much Czech literature and media as Slovak literature and media in Slovakia, and many Slovaks study at Czech universities. Answer (1 of 11): Look, if you're Ukrainian you most likely already speak russian. Traditionally, dialects are regional variations of one main language. However, in terms of vocabulary Ukrainian is closer to Polish, from which it has borrowed a large number of words. I dont know about Macedonian (havent ever heard or read it) but it seems to be like in the middle between Serbian and Bulgarian (just like frisian is in the middle of dutch and english). About Slovak being two different unintelligible languages I highly doubt so. Menu. The Russian language in the Ukraine has been declining recently mostly because since independence, the authorities have striven to make the new Ukrainian as far away from Russian as possible by adopting the Kharkiv Standard adopted in 1927 and jettisoning the 1932 Standard which brought Ukrainian more in line with Russian. Spanish is also partially mutually intelligible with Italian, Sardinian and French, with respective lexical similarities of 82%, 76% and 75%. plenty of prepositions are used in a similar, if not identical, manner; to name an example, na is used in both Macedonian and Ni Torlak as a replacement for the Serbian genitive, in addition to its standard use as on(to) Often the two languages are genetically related, and they are likely to be similar to each other in grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, or other features. A Moravian Czech speaker (Eastern Czech) and a Bratislavan Slovak (Western Slovak) speaker understand each other very well. I cannot understand that much of kajkavski nor akavski, but I can understand more akavski than I can kajkavski. So I understood all but one word (), and Google Translator indeed confirms that my guess was right and it means also. The claim for separate languages is based more on politics than on linguistic science. In addition, political and social conventions often override considerations of mutual intelligibility in both scientific and non-scientific views.,,,,,,,,,, Alt Left: Ukrainian Nazis Execute Two of Their Own Men for Refusing to Fight, The Conquest of Germany and Japan Never Ended, Protected: Post to Discuss All of the Various POIs and Theories in the Delphi Murders from the Crime to the Present, Protected to Avoid Libel and Character Assassination Part 10, NATO Helped the Ukrainians Fire All Those Drones at Russia, Including all the Way to Moscow, The Conquest and Destruction of Russia Project Goes Way Back to Post World War 2, The Jewish Conspiracy To Subject Humankind. Very interesting. most speakers of one language find it relatively easy to achieve some degree of understanding in the related language(s). Russian is also 85% mutually intelligible with Belarusian and Ukrainian in writing. Is Ukrainian mutually intelligible with Polish? In fact, people in the north of Poland regard Silesian as incomprehensible. Slobozhan Russian is very close to Ukrainian, closer to Ukrainian than it is to Russian, and Slobozhan Ukrainian is very close to Russian, closer to Russian than to Ukrainian. Macedonian: 50-60 % Many Turkic languages are mutually intelligible to a higher or lower degree, but thorough empirical research is needed to establish the exact levels and patterns of mutual intelligibility between the languages of this linguistic family. I confess to not being a linguist, and therefore didnt see past the problematic sentence In the Kievan Rus', Russian and Ukrainian were dialects of the same language, meaning that they were largely mutually intelligible with only minor vocabulary or grammatical differences. Russian, Polish, Czech, and Ukrainian materials are available. Ukrainian and Russian only have 60% lexical similarity. Femke Swarte studied the mutual intelligibility of twenty Germanic language combinations. If you choose to study a language thats mutually intelligible with one you already know, chances are youll have to put a lot less work in than if you were learning a language from scratch. Rusyn ~ Ukrainian . Belarusian is closer to Polish and Ukrainian than Russian. Can I communicate in Polish in Ukraine? - Ukraine Forum Serbian is a macrolanguage made up to two languages: Shtokavian Serbian and Torlak or Gorlak Serbian. It exists in differing degrees among many related or geographically proximate languages of the world, often in the context of a dialect continuum. 4. The Polish langauge uses the Latin script, while the Ukrainian is written in Cyrillic. Tradues em contexto de "mutuamente compreensvel" en portugus-ingls da Reverso Context : Os membros da equipa de verificao da Comisso podem comunicar com as autoridades e com o pessoal do operador da instalao numa lngua comum e mutuamente compreensvel. LIFESTYLE Languages. It is best seen as a Ukrainian dialect spoken in Russia specifically, it is markedly similar to the Poltavian dialect of Ukrainian spoken in Poltava in Central Ukraine. Serbians often say radiu and its very similar to Croatian raditi u or radit u, but sometimes Serbians say ja u da radim or even u da radim without ja (I), because u is first singular form of the verb hteti and ja is needless, but its very rare and common for southern Serbian dialects and also very very irregular in official Serbian, but that is very similar to official Macedonian. Ukrainian and Russian: How Similar Are These Two Languages? Learning a language becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. A number of native speakers of various Slavic lects were interviewed about mutual intelligibility, language/dialect confusion, the state of their language, its history and so on. Polish and Ukrainian: different or similar? - Language Tsar It is not intelligible with Shtokavian, although this is controversial. Spanish is most mutually intelligible with Galician. Hence, many religious books were imported from Russia, and these books influenced Bulgarian. There are new scientific figures for Czech-Slovak, Czech-Serbo-Croatian and Czech-Bulgarian. When you find out it is a separate language, you ask for %, and they often tell you! In the present study we tested the level of mutual intelligibility between three West Slavic (Czech, Slovak and Polish) and three South Slavic languages (Croatian, Slovene and Bulgarian). Polish and Russian while Slavic sounding to my ear and is maybe 5%-15% intelligible . Complicating the picture is the fact that many Ukrainians are bilingual and speak Russian also. Regarding Polish and Russian there are many words with opposite meaning. I also have no problems understanding standard Croatian or the Kajkavian and Cakavian Croatian dialects and Bosnian and Montenegrin to me are the same language and completely understandable. I understood perfectly him, but not her. What is the basis on which your Serbian friend said that? The Answer, and Examples for 8 World Languages. Macedonian I can understand better, and Im going to say that my comprehension of it used to lie somewhere between 90 and 95%, and Im going to cite 98% for my present knowledge theres a lot of technical vocabulary that takes a while to grasp, and a few words that I cant make sense of no matter how hard I try, but most of the differences are more marginal than between standard Serbian and Macedonian: To my opinion, Macedonian and Bulgarian would be today much closer if Macedonian had not been heavily influenced by Serbian and Bulgarian not influenced so much by Russian. Also, danes and swedes have a hard time understanding each other, but they can read the others language quite well. You are wrong about Slovenian and Croatian languages. Italian is partially mutually intelligible with French, Catalan, Sardinian, Spanish, Ladin and Romanian. Mi povidamo Horvatski jazik means We speak croatian language in akavian. This is because colloquial Ukrainian is closer to the Ukrainian spoken in the Soviet era which had huge Russian influence. They give you strict % figures, and it is pretty amazing. We speak them too. My gues. Lach is a Czech-Polish transitional lect with a close relationship with Cieszyn Silesian. What Are Mutually Intelligible Languages? The Answer, and - FluentU Regarding Russian/Ukrainian mutual intelligebility: most people who lived in Ukraine during the Soviet era and return there today say that modern Ukrainian differs greatly from the one spoken during Soviet times. This is great. Only Croatians try so hard to press differences. Serbs until recently where still self titled Yugoslavs. Its grammar is close to that of Russian. I am not saying this to slam Ukrainians, but just an observation. Kashubian itself is a macrolanguage made up of two different languages, South Kashubian and North Kashubian, as the two have difficult intelligibility. Ive watched that movie on a croatian television with the croatian subtitle and understood that movie much much better, though Croatian also has a little differences. There can be various reasons for this. Are Polish and Ukrainian mutually intelligible? Balgarskijat ezik e pluricentrien ezik ima njakolko kniovni normi. I also have formal training in several Slavic languages, which make most of them, except some of the Balkan ones, pretty much comprehensibe to me. If you think this website is valuable to you, please consider a contribution to support the continuation of the site. Mutual intelligibility of Russian and Ukrainian - Factual Questions Together with the basic norm used in Bulgaria, there also exists a Macedonian norm, which (sao=also?) That is ~90% our language. After all, you can look at the study that I listed above and check the results of the written translation task (translation of 50 individual words), which illustrates the similarity of lexicons: Czechs best understand Slovak words (96,52%), then Polish (64,29%), then Bulgarian (57,00%), Croatian (55,38%) and Slovene (49,73%). This makes Polish a much much easier language to learn than Russian. Lets say a young Czech goes to Slovakia without prior exposure to Slovak. My guest from Ukraine will have to guess 6 animals that I'll describe to her in Polish. Then conversation is intelligible 100%. The main Turkologist I worked with on that chapter told me that he thought 90% was a good metric. And when islanders respond back in akavian they are puzzled: What? Polish Language Overview, Structure & Facts | What is Polski? Ukrainian much less comprehensible. 10%? Greg, Kaikavian is dialect of Slovenian language. Can you give me a figure for how much of a Bulgarian text you can understand? I also conclude that in terms of straight linguistic science anyway, Czech and Slovak are simply one language called Czechoslovakian. "The Linguistic Innovation Emerging From Rohingya Refugees." It is not true at all that Ukrainian and Russian are mutually intelligible, as Russian only has 50% intelligibility of Ukrainian. In Ukrainian, one might say "I am waiting for you" ; however, there is no need for a conjunction in . You cant honestly believe that 19 hijackers from Saudi Arabia armed only with boxcutters where able to attack US biggest most powerful landmarks given all the hard factual evidence not including things like thermite or if a missile hit the Pentagon or other junk like that. Instead Eastern Lach and Western Lach have difficult intelligibility and are separate languages, so Lach itself is a macrolanguage. If you speak Russian, you might be surprised at how much Ukrainian you understand. However, another view is that Lach is indeed Lechitic, albeit with strong Czech influence. Frequency of exposure is one of the main causes of this. > Much of the claimed intelligibility was simply bilingual learning. Czech has 94% intelligibility of Slovak, 12% of Polish, and 5% of Russian and Bulgarian. Yet we speak of Kai/Cha as of Serbo-Croatian dialects, while Slovenian is totally foreign. So dominant, in fact, that parts of Ukraine and Belarus were significantly russified in a matter of a generation, even if not completely. Mutual Intelligibility of Languages in the Slavic Family. This is not necessarily correct in terms of vocabulary, but you will find a lot in common in the grammatical rules . Slovak somewhat more than Polish, but still very little. [2], Because of the difficulty of imposing boundaries on a continuum, various counts of the Romance languages are given; in The Linguasphere register of the worlds languages and speech communities David Dalby lists 23 based on mutual intelligibility:[13]. What Languages Are Mutually Intelligible With Serbian? But akavian being archaic it has old slavic package. Russia Invades Ukraine pt XII | Istorieskoto mu razvitie se charakterizira s etiri glavni perioda. but they are often mutually intelligible. Serbo-Croatian has only 20% intelligibility of Ukrainian. Congratulations on a brilliant article! I have a newer version of the paper that I can give in which I changed some of the things you are complaining about. The distance of Slovene may seem unlikely, but I think that it is still rather optimistic, because Czech and Slovene are quite distant, despite geographical closeness. Intelligibility is more than 90% = dialect, less than 90% = language. Ni Torlak uses a definite suffix, -ta/-to/-ti/-te/-ta (, but less frequently than Macedonian does, and only in the nominative; it doesnt have a distance contrast as it does in standard Macedonian but it isnt even present in Serbian to begin with However, Balachka is dying out and is now spoken only by a few old people. That is good to know. However, it appears to be a separate language, as Lach is not even intelligible within itself. Generally, when foreigners say speakers of a certain language speak too fast, speakers of that language can hear that fast speech just fine. Slovak 50 % spoken, 70 % written Was he from Belgrade or Novi Sad or Nis? Also after studying Ethnologue for a very long time, I noticed that they tended to use 90% as a cutoff for language versus dialect most but not all of the time. For instance, he and she in Standard Macedonia is toj and taa respectively, very close to Bulgarian toy and tya. Written intelligibility is higher at 25%. French has a reasonable degree of lexical similarity with Italian,Sardinian, Romansh, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish, making it partially mutually intelligible with these languages. The Croatians left Croatia and came to Italy from 1400-1500. Burgenland Croatian, spoken in Austria, is intelligible to Croatian speakers in Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, but it has poor intelligibility with the Croatian spoken in Croatia. I thought this is Croatia! Are Polish and Ukrainian mutually intelligible? How much Slovene can your average Chakavian speaker understand? Student Authored Website. Hello can I use your comments in a paper I am writing? Polish is not intelligible with Kashubian, a language related to Polish spoken in the north of Poland. The Rusyn language is composed of 50% Slovak roots and 50% Ukrainian roots, so some difficult intelligibility with Ukrainian might be expected. In other words, Ukrainian speakers can often understand Russian, while Russian speaker doesn't understand Ukrainian, especially Russian speakers from outside Ukraine. If we follow this line of reasoning, it would be correct to conclude that English is highly intelligible to Serbian speakers because most Serbs speak English. Molise Croatian is a Croatian language spoken in a few towns in Italy, such as Acquaviva Collecroce and two other towns. For example we chakavians use a lot of words used in Polish, Ukrainian, Slovak etc but in standard Croatian those words are described as archaisms and instead words used in tokavian come from Turkish. How Similar are the Ukrainian and Russian Languages? - the use of the accusative is nearly identical in Ni Torlak and Kumanovo Macedonian (cannot say the same for standard Macedonian as it has no accusative to begin with) and is, in general, more of an oblique case than anything else I do hope that you understand the point. At least not in general if so, it might depend on the school. An academic paper has been published making the case for a separate Balachka language. Southern Slovak on the Hungarian border has a harder time understanding Polish because they do not hear it much. There is just a little problem to understand east Slovaks for Czechs from naywhere. This phenomenon is called asymmetrical mutual intelligibility. The Czech law even states that Slovak language can be used in schools and in official documents. However, lexical similarity focuses on exclusively overlapping vocabulary to determine similarity between languages. And yes, comprehension has suffered since Czechoslovakia broke up, due to lack of exposure. Mi priamo Hrvatski jezik in neotokavian. Slovenian speakers find it hard to understand most of the other Yugoslav lects except for Kajkavian Croatian. As a native Serbian speaker from Bosnia who has interacted with most Slavic languages , heres my breakdown of level of mutual intelligibility with other Slavic tongues: its not based on bilingual learning. There is much nonsense floating around about Serbo-Croatian or Shtokavian. But despite similarities in grammar and vocabulary and almost identical alphabets, they differ sharply in many ways and are not mutually intelligible. A prima example of this is Russian where the 5% intelligibility could be pretty accurate in the case of a regular communication, because Russians have a very strong intonation, and they simply dont pronounce vowels properly. the interrogatives are much more similar (kda vs. koga when; kd~kud vs. kade where; to~kakv (second form is more characteristic of Bulgarian) vs. to what; koj/koja/koe/koi vs. koj/koja/koe/koi who/which/that (interr. They understand almost nothing. Its historical development consists of four main periods. But then it is difficult. On the other side, i.e. Bosnian and Montenegrin are also just dialects of Serbian language. But thats politics for you. What language is closest to Polish? Ukrainians can understand Russian much better than the other way around. Give me a figure in % for the Rusyn if you would. It should be noted that this division is conditional (actually: arbitrary) (and) names do not reflect the different languages, but only periods in the development of the Bulgarian language, which (have) detectable traits. Its also highly intelligible with Portuguese in writing, though less so when spoken. People observing conversation between Cieszyn Silesian and Upper Silesian report that they have a hard time understanding each other. Rural variations are usually less mutually intelligible. I am really sorry, but if you are speaking about science, you cannot just say. I admit that my prehistoric learning of Russian (1985-1990) made it easier for me to guess the meaning of words izpolzovana a saestvuvat (which have the same meaning in Russian), but I think that I could guess it even from the context. The Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family is known for its languages being relatively closely related. Still others (for example, Voegelin and Voegelin 1977) recognize just two main dialect groups: Eastern and Western Ukrainian. Macedonian and Bulgarian would be much closer together except that in recent years, Macedonian has been heavily influenced by Serbo-Croatian, and Bulgarian has been heavily influenced by Russian. Belarussian almost completely comprehensible, except a few words. Actually the way it is spoken sometimes sounds more like Slovak to me than Czech or polish does, however past really basic speech it is pretty hard to understand. cheers Around 80% comprehension, it gets hard to talk about complex or technical things. You get 0%. (j/k) Czech-Slovak languages - Wikipedia 0%. In linguistics, mutual intelligibility is a relationship between languages or dialects in which speakers of different but related varieties can readily understand each other without prior familiarity or special effort. Do you speak Ukrainian. Which Language is Easier: Polish vs. Russian [An Overview] Spanish and Catalan have a lexical similarity of 85%. It forms a single tongue and is not several separate languages as many insist. Serbo-Croatian dialects in relation to Slovene, Macedonian, and Bulgarian: The non-standard vernacular dialects of Serbo-Croatian (i.e. You must namely take into consideration that the mutual understanding depends on many things if you are LISTENING or READING, WHAT are people talking about, HOW FAST they are speaking, and even WHO is speaking. Polish and Ukrainian have higher lexical similarity at 72%, and Ukrainian intelligibility of Polish is ~50%+. Regular speech is generally quite fast. What percentage of Ukraine speaks Polish? My mother is a native Croatian speaker and she told me that serbian and croatian have very good intelligibility but however the grammar is very different.Comparing those two languages would be like comparing czech and slovakian. However, all three languages - Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian - are in part mutually intelligible, and already knowing one can help a lot if you want to learn one of the . There is one factor they dont know about the internet. Yes because governments dont conspire do they except for the Gulf of Tonkin, Iraq war, drug trafficking, coups, supporting the same Islamic terrorism which is even mentioned in main stream press during the 90s with links to the 9/11 hijackers which we are now supposably fighting a phoney war on terror against. Re: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian Mutual Intelligibility. I think it was mostly due to a learning few high frequency Polish words that are difficult for a Russian native speaker to understand. Languages can also be mutually intelligible only in spoken forms such as Polish and Ukrainian or only in written forms such as Icelandic and Faroese. Heres his interview with Bosnian figures, and Bosnian is part of B/H/S landscape Are Polish and Ukrainian mutually intelligible? Vedle hlavn, pouvan v Bulharsku, existuje jet makedonsk norma, kter tak (?) In this week's Slavic languages comparison, we talk about animals in Polish and Ukrainian. True science would involve scientific intelligibility testing of Slavic language pairs. However, Bulgarian-Russian written intelligibility is much higher. I got that figure from a Serb. Likewise with Polish vs Czech, and Slovenian vs Standard Croatian (these pairs are the most commonly mistaken as mutually intelligible). Since the breakup, young Czechs and Slovaks understand each other worse since they have less contact with each other. According to former Pakistani President Musharraf Omar Sheikh who wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta was recruited during the 90s by British intelligence. Answer (1 of 16): I'm neither Polish nor Ukrainian but I know Polish to a good level and basic Ukrainian; I can comment on the understandability of Ukrainian for Poles. [5][6] In a similar vein, some claim that mutual intelligibility is, ideally at least, the primary criterion separating languages from dialects.[7]. Ukrainian is a lineal descendant of the colloquial language used in Kievan Rus (10th-13th century). People from Lviv and larger cities and towns in western Ukraine have a slight clipped accent but they speak standard Ukrainian. ENGLISH: Bulgarian language is an Indo-European language from the group of South-Slavic languages. About the mistakes It's also highly intelligible with Portuguese in writing, though less so when spoken. Ukrainian and Belarusian are pretty much mutually intelligible (source: I am a poet in Belarusian, I go to poetry festivals in Belarus quite often and there are no interpreters for the Ukrainian poets invited to international events). Russian is partially mutually intelligible with Ukrainian, Rusyn and Belarusian. Hello everyone, Polish 5 % spoken, 20 % written Apart lack of understandability there are phrases that could be ill understood with famous Polish I am looking for the broom These recommendations are based on research into the mutual intelligibility of Germanic languages, conducted by Femke Swarte. What Language Is The Closest To Polish? (A Look At 7 - AutoLingual I speak both Southern akavian and neotokavian. The intelligibility of Belarussian with both Ukrainian and Russian is a source of controversy. It is no surprise that Ukrainian (and to a smaller extent) Belarusian have tons of Polish words, and are therefore more lexically similar to Polish than to Russian. They have more in common than you might think! The only big one i disagree with your breakdown is serbian/croatian vs bulgarian.